Black Tuesday Dbq

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Stock prices surging, consumer demand slowing, investors borrowing on credit. These events all culminated into the day known as “Black Tuesday.” It was a major American stock market crash that occurred in the autumn of 1929 and it came to be known as the trigger of the Great Depression, a period of worldwide economic downturn which precipitated from the United States. The infamous president during the Great Depression of the 1930s was Herbert Hoover, a leader that did not believe in getting the federal government involved in order to reduce the effects of this economic crisis. Hoover emphasized the importance of state and local governments reducing this depression and urged businesses to keep employment high. His handling of the Great Depression was ineffective, and Franklin D. Roosevelt ran a campaign in the …show more content…

One earlier example was the Social Security Act of 1935 which sought to offer unemployment insurance to Americans aged 65 and above, individuals with disabilities, and households with dependent children. This New Deal program has significant exceptions in regards to excluding farm workers and domestic workers from social security benefits (Lecture, 04/10/24). People that worked in these sectors were oftentimes Black workers, so Southern politicians were able to create a loophole that reinforced the Jim Crow system and created unequal outcomes of the New Deal for minority communities. During World War 2 black leaders agreed on the lack of equality in employment between the black population and white population saying “the Negro has remained a marginal worker” leaving them “in want” (Wesley, 1). The New Deal policies were one way for Franklin D. Roosevelt to address the Four Freedoms: freedom of speech and worship, as well as freedom from want and

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