Bjorn Lomborg False Alarm

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Human-induced climate change is one of the most serious environmental issues of our time, and its impacts on the oceans and marine ecosystems are huge. Due to the rapidly rising temperature of the world, the oceans absorb a great deal of heat and hostile changes in the environment, creating continuous changes that are hostile to marine life. These changes, in terms of warming, acidification, deoxygenation, and rising sea levels, are shifting species distribution, reducing biodiversity, and altering ecosystem dynamics. These changes threaten not only the marine species and habitats themselves, but also the human communities that depend on the ocean both as a food source and for economic activity. Climate change has a huge, far-reaching impact on marine life, inducing major distributional shifts in species, loss of biodiversity, and changes in the dynamics of ecosystems. Quote, "Climate change is altering the habitats of many …show more content…

Bjorn Lomborg's "False Alarm" puts forward a position that suggests, more often than not, the storyline of climate change exaggerates the impacts and costs, showing the urge for more balanced and cost-efficient approaches. Quote, "The costs of drastic climate measures often outweigh the benefits, and a balanced approach is needed" (Lomborg, 2020). Lomborg notes that much of the negative impacts can be diminished by human ingenuity and technological improvement, so that essentially, adaptation strategies should be paramount over costly mitigation efforts. He cited historic data indicating the resilience of marine ecosystems to past changes in climate as exaggerated by current predictions. Lomborg argues that efforts should be made on other solutions, like geoengineering or marine protected areas, which he believes would be more effective in protecting marine biodiversity than drastic climate

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