Immunosensor or commonly known as Biosensor came together by combining a biological receptors and a sensor to make one device. It is a device for the detection of an analyte. The analytical device which functions to analyze a sample for the presence of specific compound is the sensor and using a biological material to specifically interact with the analyte is known as biosensor. Biosensor involves converting a chemical flow of information into electric signal and is classified based on common types of bioreceptors. In general, the aim of biosensor is to enable quick convenient testing at the point of concern and care where the sample was procured.
There are three components that made up a biosensor- bioreceptor, bio transducer and electronic system.
a. Bioreceptor is also known as bio-recognition component.
It is where it uses biomolecules from organisms such as enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acid and a cell as a whole. It is design to interact with the specific analyte of interest to produce an effect measurable by the transducer.
The key requirement for a bioreceptor is that needed to have a high selectivity for the analyte among the matrix of other chemical or biological compound.
Bioreceptor molecule has to be immobilized in the vicinity of the transducer.
Common types of Bioreceptors interaction:
i. Antibody/antigen Interactions:
Biosensors use the very specific binding affinity of antibody for a specific antigen. Antibody followed the principle of a lock and key and that antigen will only bind to the correct formation.
Disadvantages of using antibody are that the binding capacity is strongly dependent on assay conditions such as pH level and temperature and this assay’s interaction between the antigen...
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...a genetically, modified form of a native protein or enzyme.
• Protein is configured to detect a specific analyte and ensuing signal is read by detection instrument for example fluorometer or luminometer.
The advantages of these biosensors are that they have accuracy in results, minute detection capability, easy to use, versatile and continuous monitory availability.
Biosensor has a wide range of application depending on how it is being used. It is use as medical application, industrial application, environmental applications, military application and drug development.
Medical application such as glucose monitoring in diabetes patient, detection of pathogen and protein engineering biosensors.
Environmental application such as detection in pesticides and river water contaminants such as heavy metal ion. detecting level of toxic level before and after bioremediation.
The transducer in the assay was the Shimadzu UVmini-1240 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. It is used to measure the absorbance of ferricyanide in solution. Ferricyanide is a yellow species that be measured and compared to the glucose concentration of the sample. Electrochemical glucometers look like the most common type of transducer for commercial use. It utilizes electrodes and flowing current measured by a voltmeter.2
Moreover, the sensitivity and specificity of the western blot (Immunoblotting) enables it a common technique for determining specific protein levels in clinical samples. Since the antibody is specific to the antigen immunospecificity it enables the target protein to be identified. Western blotting can produce quantitative data about that protein, which in this case shows the difference between bands in each of the protein samples. The western blot is an analytical technique used to detect specific proteins in the given sample of tissue homogenate or extract. The proteins are then transferred to a membrane (in this case, nitrocellulose), where they are stained with antibodies specific to the target protein [1] [2].
electrophoresis. The way the PCR method works is by first mixing a solution containing the
California inventor Mike Biegal first introduced the basic prototype for the microchip used in the biochip transponder in 1979. The chips are tiny, passive electronic devices ranging in size from12 to 18mm in length and 2.0 to 3.5mm in diameter. All chips are individually inscribed and programmed to store a unique, permanent, 10-15-digit alphanumeric identification code. The GPM is coupled with an antenna and is sealed in an inert glass capsule. It is implanted into a living being using the same procedure as a routine vaccination. Immediately following implementation the tiny device remains inside the bein...
... produces can be measured. (Chesney and Folkman, 1999) A positive result is identified by a polymerase chain reaction and the presence of the specific antibody.
IC Temperature Sensors agreed that there is a major diversity of how thermal sensors read the heat, for example, a thermometer measures temperature with mercury rising as heat increases, showing the temperature on the side. However, thermometers only measure the temperature when it is close up to the heat source. Thermographic sensors are long ranged temperature measuring devices which makes them more ideal for this experiment. Thermographic sensors read the temperature using thermograms. Thermograms show a variety of different shades of color depending the temperature. The temperature is based off a number of different variables such as thermal radiation (2007). Thermal sensors that use thermography have many uses that they were created for. Thermal sensors are used in the military to detect explosives frequently. The marines use thermography to spot enemies also. Thermography is not only used by the military, it is also used for medical reasons such as detection of breast cancer (Flir Threat Detection,
This Architect Analyzer has on- board software that performs many functions, like the robotic sample handler that ensures that STAT samples are assigned to the highest testing priority, being moved to the front of the queue over routine samples already loaded in the sample bays for this system. The software shuttles the STAT samples to whichever module, clinical chemistry or immunoassay, will produce a test result in the least amount of time. This analyzers software also tracks routine operational information such as reagent usage, and reagent volume, displays the current and limited number of calibration curves, and can provide graphical displays of long- term historical data. The Architect Analyzer software also recognizes typical analytical problems such as the prozone (prezone) effect for immunoassays and rejects results that are generated under prozone conditions and automatically orders a dilution and retest of the sample.
HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) is an analytical technique which separates a complex mixture of components into its specific individual components. It is a powerful tool in analysis, as it combines high speed with extreme sensitivity compared to traditional methods of chromatography because of the use of a pump which creates a high pressure and forces the mobile phase to move with the analyte in high speed. It is been used as a principle technology in various automated analyzers used for diagnostic purpose.
Biological monitoring is basically evaluating a sterilization process by rendering highly resistant bacterial spores biologically inert. The highly resistant bacterial spores used varies depending on what kind of sterilizer was used. For example Bacillus stearothermophilus spores for steam and chemical vapor sterilizers, Bacillus subtilis spores for dry heat and ethylene oxide sterilizers. These specific Bacillus spores are used because they are more resistant, and present in greater numbers than are the common microbial contaminants found on patient care equipment. If it is proven that these spores have been killed, it is strongly implied that other potential pathogens in the load have also been killed.
One of the most important things in caliometry is the caliometer. This is a device used to measure the quantity of heat in a reaction. There are many different types of caliometers, some are used to measure the heat capacity of materials, and others measure the aspects the heat generates by new or untested reactions, heat of combustion and burn rates. One type of caliometer is reaction caliometers. These measure heat energy released or absorbed during a reaction that occurs inside the caliometer. Bomb caliometer are used to measure heat of combustion of a particular reaction. Differential scanning caliometers heat flow into a sample is usually measured differentially. A popular caliometer used in biochemistry is called the isothermal titration caliometer. In this caliometer the heat of the reaction is used to follow a titration experiment. It is used in biochemistry because it t facilitates determination of substrate binding to enzymes. Other caliometers that are sometimes used are x-ray micocaliometer, and high-energy particle caliometer. These two caliometers are not as often used, but can still be included in the different types. It is apparent that there are many different types of caliometers and some are used more commonly than others
By using Messenger RNA- mRNA molecules carrying the code for insulin are common in the cytoplasm of insulin. Or using DNA probes to find the gene required-A probe is a short single strand of DNA carrying the known genetic code we are looking for. So the location of the DNA probe is known, it is labelled with a radioactive fluorescent marker. The aim is for the probe to attach to its complementary base sequence within DNA extracted from human cells.
There are many disadvantages of this traditional Electrocardiography electrodes are metal allergy can causes skin irritation, short term use, too much expensive and single use electrodes to overcome these disadvantages non-contact Electrocardiography sensor are used here named as EPIC (Electric potential Integrated Circuit) sensor. EPIC sensor is discovered in UK which has specialty of sensing without any physical contact with body. EPIC sensor collects the electrical signal which generated while pumping action of heart without any direct physical contact with body. EPIC sensors collect Heart activity in the form of electrical signal which has amplitude about 2mV for length of 20ms with bandwidth
Its history is long and successful. Additionally, its sensitivity and simplicity, spatial and temporal resolution have all played a part in its importance that has led to its persistence as the gold standard in disease detection (Kiernan, 1999; Boekelheide, K. & Schuppe-Koistinen, I. 2012)
BioSence is a management information system (M.I.S.), which sits on top of each individual hospital’s information system (I.S.). Physician(s) in each hospital enter patient data into their information system. The BioSence management information system extracts the relevant data required such as age, sex, location information, symptoms, medication etc.
The majority of protein sequence analysis today uses mass spectrometry. There are several steps in analyzing a protein.