Biometrics In Computer Science

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In the world of computer science, advancements in many fields have been made. One field in particular is very interesting. The field is that of Biometrics. A field that essentially coincided with the growth of modern day computer science. Biometrics is essentially identifying human beings by their characteristics.

Biometrics is defined as a process or to describe a characteristic as it is a general term. In regards of the characteristic portion of the definition, it is a measurable behavioral, physiological and anatomical characteristic that can be used for automated recognition. In regards of Biometrics as a process, it’s an automated way of identifying someone using their measurable behavioral, physiological and anatomical characteristics.

This translates to computer science by having the system using said characteristics to access, control and/or identify. There are many ways of collecting, storing, interpreting and utilizing this data. These biometric systems, because of their usefulness in the realm of security and privacy, are used by various people in many places all over the world. The realm of biometrics, however, have many variables that make it much deeper.

The exact characteristics of biometrics are separated into two groups. One group is known as the physiological group. This group consists of the palm, fingerprint and iris recognition as well as hand geometry, DNA and scent but is not limited to these options. The other group is known as the behavioral group and is associated with the traits of a person’s natural behavior. These traits include gait analysis, rhythm of typing, voice patterns, etc. This information is scanned and stored for later use. That very same information can be accessed later. This is used m...

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...ccuracy of your biometric system, stability, cost and its typical applications. Variables such as those can severely limit one’s choices on which system would be best. The field of biometrics is expanding every day, so some options may be more viable in the future.
Biometrics has much room for improvement in the future. As computer systems and technology evolve, so will biometric systems.

In conclusion, Biometrics is an extremely fascinating field. A field that is characterized by its highly technical ability of securing, recording and accessing systems and installations. It is even the prime choice for places that hold extremely sensitive information such as the FBI and various hospitals. It has even reached the general populace as a medium to use to access personal information and places. It is truly the wave of the future in the world of security technology.

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