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Bioethics was originated many centuries ago. Ethical theories in medicine are the basis of bioethics. There are many different ethical approaches which causes much dispute. The imperical question is, what makes an act right and which approach to follow. The Greeks addressed the virtue of ethics. They looked into the good of the person and the situation. Ethos in Greek means, disposition and trait. So consequently they looked at eh person’s skills, habits, and traits. Compassion and the meaning of suffering are some other issues in Bioethics that can be argued. Choosing an act because it is right and also looking at the consequences are some other concerns. Other things to consider are what the patient and their families want. Their religious beliefs are also a major concern. How far should someone go to help a dying suffering patient who wants to take their life? Is it right to intercept and help a patient to die? Medical technology is ever advancing. People are being kept alive for years on support. This is a major topic of debate in Bioethics. Deciding if it’s right or wrong to keep them alive even if they are brain dead is a major concern. What constitutes a person a person when they have Alzheimer’s or brain damage? Are they a person? These are some of the major topics discussed in Bioethics.
To not cause harm to someone can take on many different meanings. It can constitute physical harm or mental harm. Physical harm would obviously mean that whoever is treating the patient to not cause actual physical harm for no reason. Mentally might mean not telling the patient the truth about their illness. Some believe that a little white lie is ok if it is not pertinent information to their medical c...

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...e in opinion will always be there, however; coming to an agreement for the sake of human nature is essential to everyone’s well being. Being Catholic I believe God has been taken out of the equation in too many institutions. If we followed the Lord’s word then we wouldn’t have such dilemmas. I know this is my opinion and realize that this is why there is so much debate. I am anti-abortion, but still believe in birth control. Again that is a debate other Catholics would argue on. Culture diversity is vast even within the same religion. This is the nature of human beings. Each and every person is unique and no two people think exactly alike. We will always have different aspects of Bioethics as long as there are people. We all must be engaged, for the bioethics we choose to follow will determine whether our society stands for human equality and human rights.

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