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Almost every person has binge-watched a show. It is something that people do just to relax, or just to watch their favorite show. The term binge-watching means watching 3-5 episodes of one series in one sitting. 70% of people have confessed to binge-watching, but is it actually something that can harm you? Binge-watching is harmless because it can improve your mental health, and it can improve your romantic or social relationships with people. First off, binge-watching can improve your overall mental health. “According to psychiatrists, binge-watching releases a chemical called dopamine in the brain. Dopamine creates a feeling of pleasure. It can help people relax and relieve stress. John Mayer is a psychologist. He says, "We are all bombarded with stress from everyday living, and …show more content…

Out of 259 people, every single one said that binge-watching a show together helped their relationships by giving them common interests. By binge watching shows together, couples can become closer by sharing an interest. If you have a long distance relationship or long distance friendship, you can become closer by sharing an interest in the same show, even when you miss out on sharing friends because you live in different places (Pro/ A lot of people who are romantically or platonically involved with each other but live far away, grow farther apart, but by binge watching shows together online or on a phone call can keep the friendship or relationship strong. Binge-watching is harmless and even helpful because it strengthens your bonds with people you are romantically or platonically involved with, and it doesn’t matter if they live close by or live far away. Some say that binge-watching can hurt and lower your physical health. Though it is true that binge-watching can create health problems such as heart disease, cancer and blood clots, there are so many ways that you can stop this from

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