“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
The very first time I read the Holy Bible was the beginning of the biggest change in my life.
I could not have imagined in a million years that a book could have so much power and meaning.
The more I read and the more I applied each chapter, passage and verse to my life, I transformed.
The Bible is a book that was written by many, but inspired by one, true, Holy Spirit, of God.
The transformation that took place in my life was incredible. I could not have imagined in all actuality that I could have done it by myself.
I was reading His words every day and the words began to manifest into my soul. This in turn is what changed my life and the way I was
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When I first heard this particular verse in the Bible, I acknowledged it literally, meaning, the actual words in the Bible.
As I began to study the Bible, I started to realize that it did not have anything to do with reading, however more about who God really was.
The easiest way that I can explain why God is called the Word, appears to be that just as our words explain our minds to others.
I believe God knew this and then He decided to reveal His mind to the world.
God was and still is the Word and “so that whoever should believes in Him have eternal life.”
I reminisce sometime about when I was a little girl and when my mother gave me my very first children Bible.
I treasured that precious gift, therefore I found myself not wanting to share it.
Although I could not read it as well as I desired too, I remember just looking at the pictures repetitively.
I visualized about reading the bible from front to back one day. My Bible was my “rock”.
I slept with it, I took it to school, I took it to church, I took it to the park and when I went outside to play, I found myself reading the Bible to my friends.
The Bible really has some amazing stories in
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Once I began reading and comprehending what the Bible was really saying to me, it was then at that point in my life is when that major change started to happen.
Anyone can read the bible, but only some can comprehend it. When you truly grasp the Bible for what it is, you can expect that a change will take place.
The bible has many verses and passages in it that you can pertain to your own life and that is exactly what I did.
I related some of the stories to my life and motto how could I apply the stories to my life to better my current situations.
The stories are powerful and supernatural and cannot be explained. Some might think since it can’t be explained it cannot possibly be real.
I can try to explain it, but unless you have the insight of what God is saying you would never truly understand it.
This is exactly why I pray and ask God for understanding before I open the bible.
Before, I would just read and read several times a day and got absolutely nothing but words.
I started going to church and the Word became well-defined to me. I remember one sermon when the pastor preached about how to read the
In, “True and Living Word”, Gomes introduces the readers to a variety of topics and attempts to explain how the Bible relates to them. These topics are: The Bible and...The Good Life, Suffering, Joy, Evil, Temptation, Wealth, Science, and Mystery. The Good Life is a slightly more detailed repetition of Gomes’ main point. This section again explains how the Bible is a living text, as it withstands the test of time and applies to all those who read it, and how people are scared of admitting their Biblical illiteracy. Gomes makes a broad statement in this section that everyone feels drawn towards the Bible, subconsciously know it is holy, and want to read it but do not know how. He also states that the Bible is difficult to read and requires great analysis to truly understand it’s message. The other seven sections discuss how the Bible connects to each of them. These seven section are essentially a “crash course” on the Bible’s
The Bible is read and interpreted by many people all over the world. Regardless, no one knows the absolute truth behind scripture. Walter Brueggemann, professor of Old Testament, wrote “Biblical Authority” to help people understand what he describes as six different parts that make up the foundation to ones understanding of scripture. He defines these six features as being: inherency, interpretation, imagination, ideology, inspiration, and importance. As Brueggemann explains each individual part, it is easy to see that they are all interconnected because no one can practice one facet without involuntarily practicing at least one other part.
For thousands of years there have been many transcriptions and changes to the words of God, For example, just in the last thousand years there has been three different transcriptions, The New Testament, Homer, and also Sophocles. For a person not to look for their own interpretation of the lord’s book is
The Bible holds first God’s identity and who he is, labeled as the creator. By understanding
To them, it is God’s direct word to humanity and the ultimate earthly authority. And so
This quote by Gene Nowlin in his book The Paraphrased Perversion of the Bible summarizes the composition of the Bible. Throughout life, Christians grasp tightly to these words of God in hopes to inherit the Kingdom of God one day. In order to do this, they must study the Bible closely and apply it to their lives daily. Without the proper Bible, this may become a difficult task to accomplish. Although the various translations of the Christian Bible are exceptionally similar in their message, some have quite a few differences and perversions that set them apart from one another. Many of them even leave out several potentially important verses in their revision. These variations contribute to the justification of one translation being more reliable and accurate than the other versions.
...hat God was trying to disclose with Moses. God wanted Moses to know Him and who He was through His name. He is not an unloving god who watches over his children and does nothing when they suffer. He is not a god that ignores old promises. He is an omnipresent God that helps his children and doesn’t break a covenant. God allows himself to be known by his people because he is a devoted god. He is, has been, and always will be our god.
The Christian Bible may be one of the most influential pieces of texts ever written. Through reading of the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible my life has changed drastically as a human being, in every way, shape, and form. Not only has the Bible changed who I am but, it has drastically changed the way I read. Two texts that have truly affected me as a reader of the ESV Bible are the Catholic Bible and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.
The Bible Student will have more knowledge of how to interpret God’s Word when finished with the work. Fee and Stuart achieve their goal of helping the reader not only with interpretation, but with application.
Spanning fifteen hundred years with over 30,700 manuscripts, extensive archaeological evidence and 2000 prophecies that have been fulfilled, the Bible is God 's word to us. (Yohn, 2013). In the Bible, the Father is essentially giving us a picture of the history of the world and is also leading us to a place where we must make a decision that involves whether we choose to accept his son or reject him and remain guilty. Additionally, the Word of God tells us what happened that caused this breach between us and God, the result of this and how God has rectified it through the blood of his son. In fact, from the beginning of the Bible (written 1400 B.C.) to the last book (A.D. 96), God is showing us why we need Jesus and how to find him. Just as a plant’s root system propagates and occupies the pot that encloses it, Jesus permeates the entire Bible. Therefore, the motif of the Bible is the story of the redemption of mankind and it all points to Jesus as the messiah and savior who secures this for all.
... God’s word, and it provides humanity with his truth and revelation. His word is a guide to live by, and through his word, all is made clear. No doctrine or faith in Christianity should stray from the word of God. His word is pure and holy, and it reveals his plans and love for all.
... for personal reasons you to are using exegetical approaches to the scriptures. We do this every time we read something or hear it spoken. The Bible is no different besides that you have to decipher it correctly. By reading other commentaries on that book or verse you can form your own exegetical hypothesis, but make sure it is a biblical one.
With the advent of the printing press and the protestant reformation in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Word of God became available to the common believer. Now, in the twenty first century, people all over the world, can read for themselves the scriptures in their own languages. Consider the Bible studies going on in any given country on any given evening, where people are encouraged to interact with the sacred scriptures. As encouraging as this may be, it may present a problem. Could discussions of what a scripture ‘means to me’ cloud out what the scripture originally meant? Is it even possible to know the author’s intent? Even if we could understand a first century text as its author intended, can we also grasp what it’s supposed to mean to us?
the Bible were “God - breathed” making each a Word from God and not the words of the
The bible is what helps keeps our faith alive as it contains a rich amount of history that tells us of God’s revelation and the ways how our faith works. Although the bible contains numerous works of different people, it is still a work of God that helps our faith remain constant and grow, as everything written was under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In some way, I was able to understand the value also of the other books, as before I did not really take interest of the other books included bible, aside from the likes of the Gospels, Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Proverbs. Nevertheless, I realized that the books are all part of the bible as each has a purpose to serve and stands as a testament to the infidelity of humanity, and of God’s unfailing love for