Betta Research Paper

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The Betta Fish is among the most popular home aquarium pets. Its scientific name is Betta splendens and is also known as the Siamese fighting fish. The Bettas Domain is Eukarya, Kingdom is Animalia, Phylum is Chordata, Class is Actinopterygii, Order is Perciformes, and Family is Osphronemidae. The average betta is 7.5 centimeters in length. Its body shape is streamlined, allowing it to effortlessly swim through open water. The Bettas body is covered with scales that overlap each other, kind of like shingles on the roof of a house. The scales consist of thin, transparent plates that protect the body of the betta and add streamlining for gliding. There is a mucus layer that covers the scales of the fish to protect against parasites and infections. …show more content…

Betta live in thickly overgrown ponds and are found in only slowly flowing waters such as stagnant pools, polluted streams, and other types of areas with the water having low-oxygen content. Bettas mainly feed on insects that fall into the water and on zooplankton, crustaceans, and the larvae of mosquitoes. Bettas have a rapid metabolic rate making them in need to eat frequent small snacks, such as algae. Bettas are a smaller fish and are lower on the food chain. Just above insect larvae and below larger predatory fish and birds. The betta can be found worldwide in pet stores since it is a domesticated fish, but it can be found naturally swimming among the native waters of Thailand. The question we are asking is, What kind of objects can cause the betta to become aggressive and flare up? Are hypothesis being If we expose a male betta fish to another male betta fish, female betta fish, mirror, and other objects resembling a male betta fish his instinctive behavior will cause him to flare up. The independent variable of our experiment is the time between showing the male betta the testable objects. The dependent variable of our experiment is the reaction and action of the betta fish once it is shown one of the

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