Besom: What it is to me

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The Besoms general definition is a broom made of twigs tied around a stick. However in the world of Wiccan and Witchcraft the meaning of the Besom is much more than that, Magically speaking the Besom is a symbol of fertility and sexuality. The Besom represents both Feminine and Masculine aspects coming together many sources record the traditional construction of Besoms as a handle made of ash, a head made of birch twigs, with a binding made of willow. The Ash is said to represent Masculinity, protection, amorous love and is said to have command over the four elements, while the birch is a wood associated with femininity, cleansing, and is said to draw spirits to ones service Willow is sacred to the Goddess and binds all three together becoming a symbol of the unity of both Femininity and Masculinity. Besoms are often used in hand fasting ceremonies, hoping to bring in blessings of fertility upon the union of both parties this tradition is said to be borrowed from the Celtic Tradition also many stories talk of how people would take their Besoms out into the fields when it was time to start planting and ride them around jumping to show the crops how tall they should grow as a form of encouragement as if to guide the crops this is said to be the reason why the stories of witches riding brooms around had started from. Today witches use their brooms in many different ways from directing energy during a ritual to sweeping negativity out of the space or home as well as to sweep positivity in or whatever you are wishing for at the moment however it is said that one should never sweep negativity out the front door as it will leave take the prosperity of the family along with it. I believe I would like to use a besom in my practices and lif... ... middle of paper ... ... “Besom, besom, sacred broom Sweep out darkness, sweep out gloom Rid this sacred hallowed ground Of demons, imps and hell bent hounds; Then set ye down on Her green earth By running stream or Mistress' hearth, Till called once more on Sabbath night To cleanse once more this sacred site.” (Author unknown) A neat fact I found about the Besom is that when a few of the ancient brooms were discovered they had hidden compartments in the handle holding combinations of herbs, oils, feathers, and other things to add to the energy of the intent of the broom. Works Cited The Modern Pagan The Witch’s Besom Lyon Mercaent Controverscial,Tools of a Witch The Besom(Broom), The Pagan Path, The History of the Broom, Spring Wolf,

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