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Social impact of drug abuse
Negative effects of drug abuse
Negative effects of drug abuse
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The article “Legalize marijuana? Obama was right to say no” by Bernadine Healey was interesting. Her facts seem reliable as she is a cardiologist and at one point president of the Red Cross. Bernadine Healey was able to persuade her audience by her strong points and giving evidence using logos, pathos, and ethos. She was also able to be respectful in her counter argument and was able to bring her audience against marijuana. The main thesis of the article is that policymakers should not ever legalize marijuana as it would become a great harm to young people’s health. The main reason she was able to persuade why it’s bad for the young, was she gave scientific research, the bad effect of marijuana, and how it can lead to illness.
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Marijuana can cause users breeding problems, as well as heart problems. In a sense the author uses illness to make people fear what would happen if legalizing marijuana because it would just lead to more illnesses. It also makes people fear when she points out that marijuana can cause mutant sperm and harm unborn babies and born baby’s if the mother is a marijuana user. This main point the author gives is reason enough to not legalize marijuana as it would harm many children. It gives the readers an idea that if marijuana was legal it could make children addicts since infant or children would either have a health problem or mental problems, since marijuana has affected them. Mothers that are marijuana user may not know how far marijuana can harm them, and their …show more content…
Giving good reason for what legalizing marijuana can do for the United States and how we can gain a lot from legalizing marijuana, but she is able to pull back her reader on why you should not be tamped by what good marijuana can do. The author of the article view that the negative effects of marijuana are a huge deal, since marijuana tempers with the human brain and that even though it has its pros, the cons win since it’s more harmful if not use properly or the drug is used to much or use often. As well that we still don’t know that much about marijuana and that there should be more studies on marijuana, since we can still learn more about
A highly controversial topic within the United States is whether or not the use, either for recreational or medicinal purposes, of marijuana should be legal. Renee Jacques, a writer for The Huffington Post, strongly believes that marijuana is completely harmless and includes the many reasons why in her article, “This is Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere.” The article was published on January 23, 2014, and at this time The United States was going through legalization changes. Jacques includes eight reasons why she believes marijuana should be legal; the main idea of these points being that everyone partakes in the use of marijuana and it is in no way, shape, or form harmful. Jacques introduces her article by including how Washington
With marijuana is becoming legal in some states for medical reasons, other states are still questioning how marijuana can be beneficial and even a problem. In “The Truth about Medical Marijuana” by Carrie Shortsleeve, published in 2013 on the website Men’s Health, Shortsleeve describes how tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, found in marijuana, can be used for medical benefits. In the passage, she explains how the immune system and brain are affected by THC especially if the substance is high in dosage. When Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly, Ph.D., “the director of the University of Mississippi’s Marijuana Project,” injured his back, he begins to research what benefits marijuana has when using the drug as medicine, and Shortsleeve shares this with people who maybe considering medical marijuana. Shortsleeve uses statistics, in depth research, and real- life situations to show how some people trust marijuana as medicine; even though, some of these people were once against medical marijuana.
Those opposed to the legalization of the cannabis plant in a September 11th 2003 article claim that with legalization of cannabis will come further problems. They say that legalization would lead to greater drug use especially with children as well as drug trafficking from legalized areas. They claim the tobacco and alcohol cause enough problems and there is no reason to add a new product into the mix. The claim is also made that drugs such as cannabis lead to poverty, crime, and violence. They argue that although the drug war cannot be completely successful it is worth it to slow down drug trade and that truly very few people are brought up on a simple possession charge of cannabis. Finally they make the claim that if cannabis and other drugs were legalized it would prevent court ordered addiction treatment. I understand the basis of all these claims and understand where they come from. Many arguments are made generally about the legalization of all illegal drugs including cannabis and I do agree that drugs other than cannabis should be kept illegal for all the reasons listed above. Where I find fault with the expose is the unfair grouping of cannabis into the article.
Marijuana is a drug that is harmful to a person¡¯s health. It has been found to have adverse impacts on one¡¯s mental processes such as memory, attention, judgement, and problem- solving (Butcher, Mineka, Hooley, 2004, p.415). Also, marijuana can interfere with a person¡¯s ability to think rationally and logically. Thus, the lapse in judgement caused by the drug use can lead to risky sexual behaviours and this may result in increasing sexually transmitted disease such as AIDS. Moreover, the long-term use of marijuana may cause chronic breathing problems and cancer ...
The medical marijuana debate ascends from conflicting cultural views more so than the science of medicine. The controversy being the decriminalization of marijuana in order for medical providers to prescribe it as a treatment option. This paper will use an inductive argument to analyze the arguments supporting medical marijuana and against its use while avoiding arguments supporting marijuana’s recreational use. The benefits of legalizing marijuana outweigh the associated risk factors as marijuana can be used to treat neurological disorders, chemotherapy patients, loss of appetite and weight related to AIDS, glaucoma, and many more health related issues. Marijuana is a safer treatment option and less toxic than many of the harsh drugs currently
Legalization or decriminalization of marijuana is opposed by a vast majority of American’s and people around the world. Leaders in Marijuana prevention, education, treatment, and law enforcement adamantly oppose the substance, as do many political leaders. However, pro-drug advocacy groups, who support the use of illegal drugs, are making headlines. They are influencing decision making thru legislation and having a significant impact on the national policy debate here in the United States and in other countries. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) is the oldest drug user lobby in the U.S. It has strong ties to the Libertarian party, the Drug Policy Foundation, and the American Civil Liberties Union. These groups use a variety of strategies, which range from outright legalization to de facto legalization under the guise of medicalization, control legalization through taxation. However, drugs like marijuana are addicting and should not be legalized. Marijuana should not be legalized because it can cause overwhelming damage to the society as a whole. As Bennett says, “Drug use- especially heavy drug use- destroys human character. It destroys dignity and autonomy, it burns away the sense of responsibility, it subverts productivity, it makes a mockery of virtue” (Husak 663). People throughout the nation have witnessed law changes regarding the possession of marijuana to its physical and social effects on society. Marijuana should not be legalized for the following reasons namely for the legal, physical, and social aspects of its use.
Many could argue that marijuana is destructive physically as well as mentally. “The National Institute on Drug Abuse says marijuana can cause heart irregularities, lung problems, and addiction” (Welch). “One joint can be just as damaging to [the lungs] as smoking at least two and a half cigarettes” (Ruff). According to Dr. Tom Wright, director of a substance abuse treatment center for adolescents in Rockford, “teens may be especially sensitive to marijuana’s effects because their brains are still being formed” (MJ Rebuttal). However, the marijuana legalization proposition would have tight restrictions and regulations by the states that would eliminate some of those issues, such as age. These facts are not consistent; the evidence is not backed from reliable sources. One institute is referred to, but more experts are needed to verify the information.
The legalization of marijuana has been a highly debated topic for many of years. Since the first president to the most recent, our nation’s leaders have consumed the plant known as weed. With such influential figures openly using this drug why is it so frowned upon? Marijuana is considered a gateway drug, a menace to society, and mentally harmful to its consumers. For some people weed brings a sense of anxiety, dizziness, or unsettling feeling. Like alcohol, tobacco or any other drug, those chemicals may not respond well with their body. For other people marijuana brings joy, a sense of relief, and takes the edge off of every day stress. For those who are associated with cannabis, purposes usually range from a relaxant, or cash crop, to more permissible uses such as medicine, and ingredient to make so many other materials. We now need to look at what would change if marijuana were legal. Benefits to the economy and agriculture, health issues, and crime rates are three areas worth looking at. Deliberating on the pros and cons of this plant we can get a better understanding for marijuana. From there it will be easier to make a clear consensus on what is best for the nation.
Nowadays many people want to fight for their right either for support or prevent the legalization of marijuana. According to Altieri, 58% of Americans say marijuana should be legalized, while 42% are opposed (2013). In one perspective, marijuana is no longer a strictly partisan issue in some cities, such as Colorado and Washington, which convenes a lot of supporters to raise their voice for the legalization of marijuana (Lyman 2014). However, on the other hand, there are many people disagreeing for the legalization of marijuana because of the negative consequences that marijuana produce. To illustrate, the legalization of marijuana is a debatable point between advocate and opponents. Although many people say marijuana should not be legalized, there are many reasons why marijuana should be legalized, such as economic, medical, and social.
For the past decade or so, there has been a war on legalization of medical marijuana that states that patients would have to be either prescribed by their doctor, or have permission from their doctor to grow marijuana and smoke it for MEDICINAL PURPOSES. In todays world, some parents are even giving their young kids medicinal marijuana to cure there sickness. Such as Kaitlyn Pogson who is a 13 month child who suffers from epilepsy. Barry Pogson (father) decided they were going to move to Colorado because it wouldn't be legalized in Canada in time to save her life. Just after a week, Kaitlyn was more alert, slept better and hasn’t had to return to emergency for seizures. They couldn’t believe it.
The legalization of marijuana is considered a controversial issue, something that can benefit people for medical purposes, but what about recreationally? Marijuana has been illegal since 1937, but there’s never been a bigger push for legalization. There are several reasons why it is illegal, because of government propaganda and big industry not wanting to lose money, but this will be discussed later. The purpose of this paper is to educate, theorize, and discuss various aspects of marijuana, such as its history, development, and the advantages and disadvantages of marijuana legalization. Finally, my personal reflection on legalization and marijuana in general will be discussed.
“Considerable anecdotal evidence suggests that marijuana may be effective in treating a number of medical conditions… such as chemotherapy-induced nausea, wasting and anorexia associated with AIDS” (Joffe and Yancy). Marijuana can help treat this conditions, but there are also other people who use marijuana as a medicine for others circumstances. For example, people use marijuana to sleep, because some people have difficulties to sleep in the night and they need this product to rest their body. Also, those people who could only sleep a few hours use marijuana to help them sleep more hours. Some individuals use marijuana for problems of rheumatism, they mixed marijuana with alcohol to pain relive. Moreover people say that the results with this product is beneficially for adults. People sometimes use marijuana to relaxing his bodies. For example, there are a number of people who stress in work and use it for relaxing at home. However, marijuana should not be legalized because using it as medicine can result in negative consequences. “While proponents assert marijuana’s usefulness in treating a variety of medical conditions, opponents counter that the drugs has never been proven effective and the new laws open the door to abuse” (Peron). Those who use marijuana to sleep can have serious problems because if they use this drug every day to sleep their body will became used to receiving this medication daily. Thus, their body will never rest unless they take in drugs to help them sleep and eventually they will become addicted. Therefore, those who believe that marijuana should be legalized need to rethink the severe consequences that using it as a medicine will cause. People are using marijuana as a medication because it is an excuse to take in drug. For those reasons, it will be more beneficial if marijuana stays
Millions of people are suffering needlessly because of the prohibition against using medical marijuana, Rosenthal and Kubby assert. They conclude that marijuana should be decriminalized. ”(Rosenthal, Kubby) Today, I am going to help you understand the real benefits of marijuana. By the time that we are through, you will be agreeing with me and will want to be a part of the effort needed by citizens to legalize such a beneficial drug.
Those opposed to the use of medical marijuana contend that there have not been enough studies, it is too dangerous and it is ineffective enough to call for its legalization. They believe that marijuana is addictive, is a gateway drug, can lead to infertility and can injure the brain, lungs and other organs. However, advocates of medical marijuana point out numerous government studies, peer-reviewed clinical trials and the long, proven history of cannabis used medicinally throughout the world as counter-points to the opposition. Advocates also point out the various harmful side effects of prescription drug medication, and hold that if those are approved by the FDA for patient use, than marijuana should be as well.
There has always been controversy about marijuana and the affects it has on health and the issue of legalization. Some people believe it is very destructive to one’s health, and yet others feel the complete opposite about it. Is Marijuana truly harmful to one’s health? “Marijuana, the Deceptive Drug”, written by George Bierson, was published in the Massachusetts News. In this article, Bierson determines that marijuana is harmful in many ways. He seems to think that it damages the brain, the reproductive system, and also contributes to the halt of production in the immune system. Bierson also tries to persuade the reader that marijuana is a “gateway drug” that leads to larger drugs in the future. However, by conducting research of my own, I have come to the conclusion that Bierson’s article simply lacks truth.