Benvolio's Relationship In Romeo And Juliet

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Benvolio isn't talked about very much. However the scenes he is in are important and affect the story very much. He's most known as the peacemaker throughout the story. Benvolio is a good friend and is like a counselor who gives lessons and advice to help people. Benvolio is a great character because he is trustworthy, a peacemaker, and a problem solver.
Benvolio is a very trustworthy character. After Mercutio, Tybalt, and Romeo just fought and the prince asks for what had happened. Benvolio told the prince that he will tell everything about the unfortunate deadly fight, and so he did. “O noble prince, I can discover all the unlucky manage of this fatal brawl,” (III.i.105-106). Whether it be his friend or his family or him he still told the
When Mercutio,Tybalt, and Romeo were about to fight Benvolio said “Either withdraw unto some private place,and reason coldly of your grievances, or else depart,” (III.i.22-24). Benvolio is telling all of them to either find a more private place where the whole town is not watch or get over there differences and let it be and just leave. Even though Benvolio’s advice isn't always taken he always has a solution to the problem that others do not think of. Benvolio does not have to do that but does anyways. It’s a very honorable thing of Benvolio to do. Benvolio also gives advice to Romeo about Rosaline the girl he was in love with or so he thought. “Go thither, and with unattainted eye, compare her face with some that I shall show,”(I.i.87-88). Benvolio does this to get Romeo out there and help him get over Rosaline. If it wasn't for Benvolio telling him to go out there he may have never met Juliet to begin with.
Everybody would love to have Benvolio as a friend/acquaintance. Benvolio is a great character because he is trustworthy, a peacemaker, and a problem solver. I can relate to Benvolio a lot. I always look for solutions to problems and help keep peace with everything. I do not like violence and think there is always a more peaceful way to deal with things. Even though most of my advice is never taken I will always offer it and hope for the best towards that

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