Benefits Of World Trade

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The World Trade Organization is an organization, and what they do is help improve trade between countries. WTO has a total of 640 members with a total of 159 countries in 2013. Most of the World Trade comes from the top ten wealthiest industrial countries; Belgium, France, West Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Great Britain, Japan, and the United States. Trade promotes growth, and that raises the Standard of Living. But do they know what is going on? World Trade should not be allowed to trade with countries because what they are doing is hurting the economy, taking out jobs and forcing children to work in their factories to produce their goods.

People say that the World Trade is a good organization because it keeps peace between countries, and that they have a system that is based on rules instead of power. That the more the free trade than the less of Cost of Living. Every two years the World Trade holds a conference called the Ministerial Conference, and what they do is bring all the countries together and discuss what’s important and talk about the trading business. In 1999 with 151 nations, the WTO looks over 90% of the world trade. WTO can force, and punish countries with the laws that they make. With the expansion of free trade the World Trade Organization helps many countries around the world, and with the system of global trade. Yes with world trade they say is a free trade, but is it’s certainly known that it is NOT FREE. With every country that is involved know that trading isn’t free, that they have to pay people to make their goods, and sometimes even force people to do their job. By the time that they have people in the shops then they have to pay more to even get their shipments out there oversea...

... middle of paper ... agricultural farming. In WTOs agreement on agriculture is that the market should control the agricultural policies, than a national commitment to guarantee food security, and maintain good decent wages for the farmers and their family. WTO has policies that allows for people to heavily subsidized industrially produce food in poor countries, and to weaken local production and that increases hunger.
The World Trade is suppose to make each environment a safe place for people to produce their goods and make sure that it is a safe place to do their trading. What they are doing is making people believe that the trade is more of a “Free Trade” and it’s what they are creating to promote a global understanding and peace inside each country. In order for the people to make a country feel much ore safer in trading they need to support each other in all of the countries.

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