Benefits Of Water Recycling And Reuse

988 Words2 Pages

Anderson, J. N/A. Water supply. The environmental benefits of water recycling and reuse. Water
Science & Technology. 3(4): 1-10
Fresh water levels are at an all-time low and with the increasing demand for Ag and development, water is a scarce resource. The article analyses the effects on how reusing water can help to combat the needs with less fresh water. The paper demonstrates with a water recycle case studies in agriculture, urban areas, and water resource supplementation in a few different countries. The relations between water reuse and maintainable water control are studied. Water preservation and water recycling can produce significant eco-friendly benefits, arising from a decreases in water diversions, and reductions on the impacts of wastewater disposals on the environmental water.
Some cases are shown by demonstrating the ecological benefits in measureable terms. The scientists also explains the economic and ecological benefits shown in a number of recent practiced water cycle planning in Australia and a few different countries. I found this source reliable because it was peer reviewed. I plan to use this paper because it supports my argument.

Bech, B. 2011. Water resources and oil and gas development: A survey of North Dakota law
North Dakota Law Review. 87(4): 507-533.
North Dakota has been subject to a massive increase in oil production in just the past few years. The recent increase in oilfield activity has the North American region questioning the amount of water that will be avail...

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...etroleum derived materials. Biosource Technology. 100(24): 6229-
Amounts of oilfield produce water differs from time to time relying on the different methods of extraction. Sometimes the well itself can produce 10 to 20 times the amount of water than oil. Scientists have found that the longer the well is online the more water it produces in its lifetime. In the dryer climates it may proof to be more profitable to recycle the produce water and use it for agriculture reasons and for the oil exploration itself.
The waist stabilization ponds are a treatment method that prevails more effective in the dry and hotter climates. I found the source to be reliable because it was peer reviewed. I plan to use the article because it supports my argument.

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