Benefits Of Private Prisons

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“Going to prison is like dying with your eyes open” -Bernard Kerik
Prison should be a place where criminals go where they can learn from their mistakes. Not a place where all humane and American ideals are tossed out the window like fast food trash on a long road trip. Private prisons just like public prisons should be a place where humanity and our beloved American values are upheld, while still being the appropriate way to punish off base citizens.
Private prisons in the United States of America must be eradicated, because they 1.) mistreat employees and prisoners, 2.) reform is not an option, and 3.) there is a solution for America.
It is important that we first understand what exactly the difference is between a public
It extends even as far as the employees of the prison who dedicate their lives to serving in these jails.
One of the main arguments in the support of private prisons is that they “cut the cost” of public prisons, but this price cut can only be achieved by paying all the employees significantly less than what they deserve.
Let’s take a look at private prisons in Oklahoma. According to the Oklahoma Policy Institute in 2013, much of the “cost savings” of private prisons are achieved through paying employees less than public prisons. The starting salary for a public corrections officer in Oklahoma is $11.93 an hour, or $22,700 a year. For a family of four that's nearly 2,000 dollars below the poverty line, and according to the federal government, a family of four can’t live on 22,000 dollars.
But the mistreatment doesn’t end there. According to the Rio Grande Foundation in 2003, 30 percent of Department of Corrections staff members are eligible for food stamps, while 85 percent qualify for reduced cost lunches for their children.
Private prisons don’t care about the people who work there everyday and their families nor do they care about the very people they are there to protect. All they do is mistreat everyone involved and we cannot allow it any
The top one percent has to work for itself and in that taking money away from the few people at the top,who have everything, and dispersing it in a way that allows for better prison conditions and large amounts of reform strays the top one percent from its goal.
The top one percent makes it their mission to lobby for laws that push people who don’t deserve prison into prison just so their ruthless too big to fail corporations can continue to increase their revenue.
The top one percent makes it their mission to make the living and working conditions if their employees as cost effective as possible even if it means depriving families of the income they need to survive just so their ruthless too big to fail corporations can continue to increase revenue.
Reform is not an option because the top one percent is not willing to give up its title in order to benefit and uphold our American ideals and values even in the prison

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