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Environmental impacts of fossil fuel consumption
Environmental impacts of fossil fuel consumption
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Benefits of Alternative Energy
On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil drill exploded; thirteen people were killed and many were injured. 206 million gallons of oil was dumped into the Gulf of Mexico. This event attracted many new supporters of alternative energy (Issitt & Warhol). Alternative energy refers to any energy source other than fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are materials including natural gas, coal, and oil; they are cheap to produce, easy to distribute, and provide most of the electricity used in the world’s technology. However, they are nonrenewable, cause many harmful environmental effects, and take millions of years to create. Thus, many modern energy companies are researching new ways to develop alternative fuel sources (Issitt
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Fossil fuels have been a very crucial source of energy since the discovery of coal. Because they are available and meet economic demand, popularity of fossil fuels has grown, but the pollution they emit has gained attention of many modern energy companies. Between the 1940’s and 1950’s, concerns began to rise about fossil fuel pollution when smog, created by burning these fuels, emerged in Europe and the United States. It caused many illnesses and deaths among humans as well as animals (Issitt & Warhol). Fossil fuels generate eighty percent of the world’s energy: this energy system is the cause of two thirds of global CO2 emissions (Foster & Elzinga). Without question, fossil fuels are environmentally unsafe, as well as dangerous to human health. Evidently, others feel that they are the best source of energy, however alternative energy creates very little to no pollution. Alternative energies, such as solar and wind energy, emanate no pollution. Solar power uses energy from the sun to produce electricity. A flat-plate collector, or solar panel, is the most common collector of this type of energy. The panel contains solar cells that change light from the sun …show more content…
Nonrenewable resources are resources that take millions of years to replenish. In 2006, BP, the British Petroleum Company, released research indicating that there are only around 1,200 billion barrels of oil left in all of the world’s reserves (Issitt & Warhol). That means there are approximately 368 years until all of the world’s fossil fuels are used up entirely. Therefore reductions and changes need to be made; alternative energy can substitute and take place of the nonrenewable fuels. All alternative energies are renewable resources; there will always be sun, wind, water, and geothermal heat. These resources restore themselves and will never run out as opposed to fossil fuels; there won’t be any concerns about scarcity or frantic searching among energy corporations if they start investing in building alternative energy companies
Semantically fossil fuels are a renewable source of energy, however given that it takes millions of years for the organic materials to be broken down and converted, it is wholly unrealistic to consider them as renewable. As the demand for fossil fuels increases and source diminish faster than they are replentished, the United States must work towards a renewable energy independent state using truly renable sources, both technically and in practice. With changes in the home, as consumers in buying goods and with alternative fuel sources backed by public trust and governmental involvement, the United States could drastically lessen its dependence on fossil fuels, foreign and domestic.
In chapter thirteen of our book, Environment by Raven and Berg, it shows us just how important renewable energy sources are. Currently the United States of America thrives on the use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. The main problems with these types of fuel are that they are both limited and can be extremely harmful to our environment. They cause global warming, air pollution, acid rain, and oil spills (Environment), and not only that, but in the grand scheme of things, these sources really aren’t even that cheap of a fuel source. There are many alternatives to these all but outdated fuel sources.
A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be re-made or re-grown at a scale comparable to its consumption. In addition, Nuclear Energy, Coal/Petroleum/Gas (Fossil Fuels), and Coal are all examples of this non-renewable resource. Nuclear energy, uses Uranium to create energy, and is a non-renewable resource because once the Uranium is used, it is gone. Coal, Petroleum, and Natural Gas are considered non-renewable because they cannot be replenished in a short period of time; these are called “Fossil Fuels”.
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the process of drilling and injecting a fluid mixture of water, thousands of gallons of chemicals, and sand into the ground at an extremely high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release the natural gas inside. Up to 600 chemicals are used in fracking fluid, including known toxins and carcinogens. Sometimes fracking can happen extremely close to homes or drinking water supplies. There are plenty of health risks such as air pollution, destroying habitats and landscapes, contaminating water supplies, etc. But these can be insignificant compared to the benefits of fracking.
The world is dependent on fossil fuels as the prime source of power to meet our energy demands. What are fossil fuels? “Fossil fuels come in three major forms-coal, oil, and natural gas. Because fossil fuels are a finite resource and cannot be replenished once they are extracted and burned, they are not considered renewable.” - (United States Environmental Protection Agency) When the supply of fossil fuels is completely exhausted, what will we rely on to meet our energy needs? An alternative option available that should be implemented more in our use is renewable energy, energy that can be replenished, such as solar, wind, and hydropower. - (United States Environmental Protection Agency) Even though the dependency on fossil fuels is tremendous,
Hydraulic fracturing or fracking is the process of removing natural gas from the ground by using water. The second state with the most gas wells is Pennsylvania with 115,564 wells, and Tioga having just over 1,000 hydraulic fracturing wells in it's county. While following strict enforcement fracking has a positive impact on the environment and it’s cheaper and more abundant other fossil fuels. Fracking is also good for the economy because it generates a cheaper fuel, and its taxes go to fund programs for low income families. Fracking can generate numerous jobs. There are many benefits to hydraulic fracturing, but not everyone approves of it. Fracking just one well takes millions of gallons of water, but it also includes chemicals and sand.
Over the last two centuries, humanity has become increasingly reliant on fossil fuels. Over that time, the consequences of constantly burning fossil fuels have accumulated into a threat to industrialized cities. The burning of fossil fuels causes acid rain to shower on cities and ecosystems around the world, tormenting their inhabitants. The increasingly deadly pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels has caused the deaths of many people around the world by causing respiratory problems. Not only has the pollution worsened, but the supply of fossil fuels is not limitless – as humanity’s reliance increases the supply decreases, and that is all the more reason to break humanity’s reliance on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels should be replaced with cleaner alternatives because fossil fuels cause environmental hazards, are non-renewable, and are detrimental to human health.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, over half of the oil used in the USA is imported. Most of this imported oil is located in the middle east and is controlled by OPEC members. Subsequent oil price shocks and price manipulation by OPEC have cost our economy dearly—about $1.9 trillion from 2004 to 2008—and each major shock was followed by a recession (Reduce). We may never be able to fully eliminate our need to import oil, but we can reduce cartel market control and the economic impact of price shocks by reducing our demand (Reduce). One way we can reduce our reliance on oil is through investing in renewable energy. Solar power, wind power, and hydro power are all forms of energy which come from renewable resources. Unlike oil, solar, wind and hydro electric power is abundant and can be obtained locally.
With many countries choosing to use fossil fuels instead of healthier alternatives such as solar, wind, wave, and thermal energy, the carbon dioxide emissions are on the rise and the Earth’s health is headed downhill. Finally, fossil fuels may cause the future of energy to collapse. Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable source of energy. That means that when all fossil fuels are gone, they will not be attainable again. Since fossil fuels are the world’s main source of energy, when they are gone many homes, factories, stores, and other places will be shut down.
The three fossil fuels- coal, crude oil, and gas slowly formed over millions of years. These days, we use fossil fuels to power everything- homes, buildings, cars, computers, lights, etc. However, fossil fuels deposits will run out soon, which is a huge problem. Extracting, transporting, and burning fossil fuels are dangerous. There are also many negative biological and environmental impacts that result from the use of fossil fuels, such as ocean acidification, groundwater contamination, land subsidence, oil spills, and global warming. Therefore, we should be trying to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and explore alternative energy sources such as wind energy, hydroelectricity, and solar energy instead. Our world depends on fossil fuels, but they can also hurt us. Fossil fuels are both a blessing and a curse.
Initial Premise-In the United States, over half of our energy comes from nonrenewable resources such as coal and fossil fuels. For our lives to be functional, we depend on the energy from coal and fossil fuels to light our houses, and make our cars run. We have gas stations at virtually every corner in suburban and city neighborhoods, and most of the population drives some sort of transportation. Most things in our everyday lives require the burning of coals and oil to allow us to see at night, travel from place to place, and entertain ourselves.
The world’s focus on utilizing non-renewable energy resources, rather than renewable resources, is problematic because if the world uses majority of its resources we will not be able to replenish it in our current lifetime. The supply of non-renewable resources goes down as the demand goes up in correspondence to our growing population. Due to supplies decreasing and demand increasing, the prices of these resources will go up drastically. Oil for example, will become more expensive to drill because we have to drill f...
The concept of this essay is to stress that biofuels are a viable and sustainable energy source than fossil fuels, showing its advantages but not ignoring its disadvantages which also enlightens us about the cleaner and renewable natural resources. Biofuels is an alternative source of energy which can end the global dependence on fossil fuels.
Replacing fossil fuels and using renewable resources can make a huge difference in earth’s environment. The Renewable energies can be reused thusnot only that but their always never going to end because you’ve got the wind the sun wind water that fuel these energies.They make earth’s atmosphere cleaner and the fossils fuels are nonrenewable in which they have limited quantities.Fossil fuels take millions to hundred millions of years to form. The demand of renewable resources is high in demand as were using up the fossils fuels. Soon later on in the future fossil fuels will become scarce and very expensive. As people around the world are using up fossil fuels, renewable energy resources are going to replace fossil fuels in the future.
Fuels like coal, and oil that once were a fine innovation in creating energy are now rapidly deleting and one day will be gone forever; energy that won’t last is often referred to as non-renewable energy. Besides being set up to fail and become inefficient in the future, fossil fuel energy is not clean to use and poses several environmental complications. Coal, for instance is “the dirtiest of all fossil fuels. Coal combustion not only produces sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides that contribute to acid rain and snow, it generates millions of tons of particulates that cause asthma and other respiratory diseases.” As with all usage of fossil fuels, it creates enormous amounts of carbon dioxide, which contributes to greenhouse gas. Not only are fossil fuels dirty, they also pose as a security risk and unforgiving on the American wallet. (Saini)