Beauty Image Essay

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The media representation of what it means to be beautiful in society has largely impacted the way in which males and females think of themselves. As times have changed, society looks at beauty with a different facet. In early ages, beauty was based on physical attractiveness, whereas, today beauty is reflected through wealth, social status, race, age and sexual orientation. We have become obsessed with the idea of looking and being perfect from the way we dress and our shape of our bodies. With the media becoming so prevalent in society individuals have become disconnected with one another and have set out to be better than the last through competitions. With this increase in media, we have also seen people become instant celebrities from …show more content…

In the image is 8 different woman who come from a variety of races which includes African American, Caucasian and Mexican. In the picture, all of the women are wearing some form of a white short, medium length or long dress with different color high heels. All of their hair is long and thick being either black, brunette or blonde. They appear to being wearing makeup and different shades of red lipstick, they also have on red fingernails. The women are also skinny with little to no fat on their bodies. The women appears to be sitting in different positions in an all-white room on couches and lounge chairs. The rules for beauty for women is slightly different from men. In the image, the white dresses is considered to be pure and calm for a woman. Women ought to be skinny, have airbrushed skin to cover up blemishes and show some type of skin whether its arms or legs, cleavage or curves. All of the women appears to have higher social status and wealth included in the image is the actress Zoe Saldana. Rules of beauty for women tend to sexualize the woman’s body more, in society there is a strong preference to wear makeup and not promote natural beauty but try to enhance it with artificial …show more content…

The African American singer Ciara is standing boldly looking into the lens of the camera. She has a short haircut that is shoulder length, big brown eyes with fake eyelashes, nude lipstick and makeup that enriches her eyes, cheekbones and skin. She is wearing a black shirt bedazzled in gold that covers everything up to her neck. In the article, it uses phrases such as “Festively Fierce: prep for a marathon of holiday fetes with a celebrity inspired makeup look” or words like sharpness and structured. This image reflects that the rules for beauty for a women is to wear fake eyelashes, and wear makeup and appear to be edgy and fierce. Woman natural beauty is not enough in society, there is a need to put on extra makeup so a woman can stand out more. Once again we see that social status and wealth plays a part, you have to have money in order to wear the best makeup products. In the article, Ciara had a makeup artist to come in and help her with her look. Woman cannot appreciate natural beauty because they look up to celebrities who are inspiring them that they need to wear makeup and have a slim waist.. In women, beauty is more sexualized through clothing, the positioning of their face and

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