Baseball Descriptive Writing

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“Mmmmmmm.” The smell of the hot dogs linger in the air as I stroll into the Riverside Baseball Park for my evening game. I was greeted by my teammates as I found myself dropping my things off inside the dugout. The bountiful bags of sunflower seeds filled the bench as sat down to get on my baseball cleats. I grabbed my cap and was ready to head on to the field. As we jogged onto the field with loads of salty sunflower seeds in our mouths, our coaches told us to grab the cage to wheel over to hit on the field. We all had a role in preparing the field for our pre-game batting practice. The sun was glaring with its beams down at us and we were soaked with sweat by the end of our pre-game. We all stood on the first baseline waiting for the national …show more content…

During the game playing outfield, I would hear the crack of the bat send a ball flying in the air and I would chase it down to earn ourselves an out for the inning. In the middle of the tough game, coach put me in to pitch. Walking up to the mound, I grabbed the baseball and felt the seams and smoothness of it, I knew I was ready to pitch. I pitched the game of my life striking out six out of the last three innings. As I came up to bat I spit out a handful of seeds and grabbed my bat. When I grabbed my bat I felt the grip stick in between my palms. Standing in the batter’s box I stared down the pitcher and he threw me a fastball first pitch. I took a hack at the ball squaring it up and nailed the ball left-center which made me feel great. Rounding first-base; taking off to second, I slid head first as I got multiple rubbery black pellets slide down my waist into my pants. I was safe. Lastly, Riverside Baseball Park is my favorite to go because I get to play baseball which is my passion. I like it because I get to spend time with my teammates who also like to play baseball and we compete with dedication. We build off of each other to become better players which is what I like most of all. Spending time on the baseball field makes me feel

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