Barbie Doll Analysis

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Literature functions as a reflection of society and a creator of cultural ideas. Throughout the existence of the human race, literature has played a vital role in the distribution of ideas and as a way of communication. Literature can be used in many ways, whether it be to explain, persuade, or inform. As we take a look at the poems presented, we’re able to see a connection between all of them. I believe the poems speak of change, a majority of them seem to start with an innocent beginning that morphs into something else over time. For example, in Barbie Doll by Marge Peircy, the girl is described as “healthy, tested intelligent, possessed strong arms and back, abundant sexual drive and manual dexterity.” These traits, although healthy, are …show more content…

The focus is centered around cultural and racial problems as opposed to physical problems. In the poem, Theme for English B by Langston Hughes, the story follows a young African American male who has succeeded in his life despite the racial barrier. He describes himself as a person with dreams and ambitious just like everyone else, but he has held back by the color of his skin, and therefor is treated differently than his classmates. This is shown through the poem when the author says “You are white--- / yet a part of me, as I am a part of you.” This quote shows Hughes’ belief that everyone is created equal, regardless of their skin color. The poem challenges that narrow minded view that had been implicated on African Americans. In the poem Indian Boarding School: The Runaways by Louise Erdrich, a racial and cultural struggle is also seen as Native Americans struggle to maintain their grip on the heritage that is being yanked away from them through Americanization. This is shown through the quote: “We watch through cracks in boards as the land starts rolling, rolling till it hurts to be here, cold in regulation clothes.” The person describes the torture they feel to be locked up in a room, dressed in uniforms and forced to conform to rules that they don’t agree with. They watch the world continue and they feel that they have ceased to be a part of it. Overall, both poems challenge society’s …show more content…

All of the poems focus on change, whether it be physical or cultural. Moreover, the authors reflect what was going on in their world using literature. By reading the poems, we are able to understand what the author was feeling and we are also able to understand the pressure that was pushed upon them by society. The writing of these poems pushed the boundaries of what society believed was acceptable and what the people believed. In turn, this caused the formation of new idea and ways of thinking through the use of literature. Overall, literature is used to portray new ideas and challenge old

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