Banning Alcohol In College Essay

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As autumn begins thousands of young adults begin their higher education on universities and colleges dotting the country. These freshmen come to gain experience, to learn and as is tradition to drink and party at their leisure. Free from the prying eyes of their parents, these students take advantage of the "laissez-faire" attitude that schools have on alcohol consumption. However, these same policies on alcohol, or the lack thereof, lead to unwanted consequences for these naive young people. Banning all alcohol from college campuses might initially be met with critique from those same students. Nevertheless, it would help these future graduates concentrate more on receiving an education and spare them some problems that alcohol causes at …show more content…

It’s true that American culture has not only accepted but celebrated the notion that college is indeed for working hard but playing even harder. Movies such Neighbors, 21, and Over, and Animal House aim to emphasis the idea that college is a time to party hard. The popularity of these movies and the behavior seen at college parties show the huge amount of students that agree to this train of thought. Students would be up in arms if alcohol were to be banned in college. Since liquor is such an interwoven part of college life, it would be met with firm resistance. Stores which supply the alcohol might also suffer from restrictions on selling alcohol to college students. Also there is only so much that universities can do to control what their students do in their freetime. The events and debauchery that regularly occur on campuses show that alcohol is accepted or at least ignored right now by schools and college towns. Even if it was simply the banning of alcohol for matriculated students on campus, it would be a good start. Drinking in college is a way of life right now. It’s a habit that will not go away easily, but the consequences make it a fight worth

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