Bach Essay

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Mollie Lee Rowland Orchestra P. 1 March 10, 2014 Bach Bachs’ full name was Johann Sebastian Bach and he was born on March 21, 1685 in a small town called Eisenach, located in Thuringia, Germany during the Baroque period. Bach was the son of Johann Ambrosius and Maria Elisabeth Lammerhirt and the eighth and youngest child. Bach’s father worked mostly as a director of the musicians in Eisenach while his mother was unemployed. Bach’s mother passed away in 1964 and his father soon followed only eight months later. Bach’s other family was said to have been extremely talented professionals in music and some were church organists, court chamber musicians as well as composers. Bach got his name from his two godfathers, Sebastian Nagel and Johann Georg Koch. Nagel was the town piper of Gotha while Koch worked as a ducal forrester in Eisenach. When Bach was ten, he was moved to live with his eldest brother Johann Christoph Bach who was the organist in Ohrdruf. While Bach lived there he studied, performed and copied forbidden music. Bach’s older brother taught him his first keyboard l...

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