Baby Boomer Generation: Future Health Care

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It has been argued that the baby boomer generation has been responsible for transforming the healthcare patient into the healthcare customer. Due to the multiple ways that research describes the baby boomers and their needs it explains the shift from patient to customer. I will assess some of these characteristics and who that relates to the demand of future health services.
The baby boomers are approximately between the years 1946 and 1964, which includes people who are between 53 and 71 years old in 2017, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. There are many characteristics that set the different from the Generations X or Millennials (Generation Y). “The differing social and cultural values of the baby boom generation create challenges …show more content…

• Education: Boomers have more education than the previous generation did, and seek to be more involved with care decision-making. They also will be more receptive to mobile health interaction.
• Finances: Having lost a lot of their retirement savings during the Great Recession, boomers are likely to be judicious purchasers of care as they enter retirement age.
• Geography: Boomers are likely to retire in different regions than their parents' generation did, changing the demand profile for health care in the country. Popular states in which boomers are retiring include: Florida, Arizona, North Carolina, California and Texas.
• Lifestyle: Active boomers will want to keep their mobility in old age, will rely more on complementary medicine and will be more familiar and demanding of palliative care.
• Source: "When I'm 64: How Boomers Will Change Health Care," the American Hospital Association and First Consulting Group, 2007”. (Barr, …show more content…

“Baby boomers are reaching a higher number in age than in the past, even though they are listed to be a great number of baby boomers sicker than their parent’s generations because they indulge themselves,” (Barr, 2014). “Research published last March in JAMA Internal Medicine compared the health of both generations and found that despite a longer life expectancy, boomers had higher rates of hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity,” (Barr, 2014). These items are putting a strain on the health care system due to the inability to staff the hospitals and care organizations for the high number of baby boomers that are requiring health care a different levels. Some needs are minimal, like a visit to the doctor, where others are more intense, like a hospital stay or long term care needs. When there are not enough workers at a facility or within a particular are then there is a strain on the providers and care could be

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