BUS2202-Agora Vs. Business Web Aggregator

769 Words2 Pages

Written Assignment Unit 1
Week Beginning 02/01/2018

We will be discussing Business net types: Business Web Agora, and Business Web Aggregator. While Business Web Agora and Business Web Aggregator have many similarities, they also have noticeable differences because both are E-commerce business models, yet have different objectives, attributes, and benefits. To ensure understanding this paper will compare and contrasting Ebay (Business Web Agora) and Amazon (Business Web Aggregator) to identify the similarities and differences between the two business net types. Then we will discuss organizational advantages Business Web Agora, and Business Web Aggregator each offer. To begin below is a simple comparison chart of the two companies. …show more content…

First, we will discuss the services each company provides buyers and sellers. eBay provides the tools needed for the buyers and sellers to easily send and receive money. This is usually done through PayPal which eBay also owns. Since PayPal and Amazon are competitors customers cannot pay via Paypal. Instead, Amazon facilitates the transfer of money through its checkout. Ebay’s service places less of an emphasis on customer service because there is more interaction between buyers and sellers. The three main customer services that eBay offers are forums, a dispute settlement system, and a system allowing buyers to rate sellers in which sellers can be penalized for low ratings (e-commerce-digest, n.d.). Amazon offers a highly involved customer service experience with customer support ranging from shipping support to assistance lines and chats. Customer reviews on Amazon are more for the buyer's education. Next, let’s discuss the product and transactions …show more content…

For example, the product quality on eBay varies from seller to seller and impacts the price because products are sold on an auction basis. With Amazon, there is a standardized quality for products and so the price is fixed. Regarding the transaction process, the details are discussed between the parties on eBay while Amazon’s transaction process and return policy are also standardized. The return policy is also discussed between parties on eBay. Additionally, eBay does not take possession of the items being sold (products sold under sellers name) while Amazon does (less brand recognition because products are sold under Amazon’s name. The many differences between these to companies offer contrasting experiences for buyers and sellers despite how similar they seem but how do these two Business Net Types benefit from and improve through

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