BPA Essay

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Everyday millions of Americans come in contact with many different forms of plastics and think nothing about it. Whether its drinking from water bottles purchased at your local super market to eating leftovers from food storage containers in your refrigerator, plastics are everywhere in the world and it seems as if they’re here to stay. But have you heard of the chemical Bisphernol-A? Also known as BPA, this chemical compound is found in just about every plastic that you come in contact with and has created quite the uproar in the media over the last several years in question on its safety for consumer use. Scientists from around the world believe that BPA is the cause of many adverse health effects found in infants and adults, but the scientists aren’t the only ones voicing their opinions on the subject. Many concerned consumers in light of recent studies on the controversial BPA chemical are worried about what they themselves and their families are ingesting and exactly how it is affecting them. This problem amongst consumers has been so great that many companies such as Wal-Mart have demanded the removal of baby and infant products that contain the controversial chemical BPA from their store shelves.
With the uproar over BPA and all the bad press it has been receiving there are those out there who believe that there is no issue concerning BPA. Some scientists have had problems recreating similar results from the experiments done by early researchers. Even the FDA and toxicologist scientists have worked together to study and understand the chemical compound with no results of it being harmful or deadly. The plastic industry has revolutionized our world when it comes to how we depend on their products in our everyday lives, but ...

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...re treated with BPA have been found to disrupt the cells centrosome. The centrosome is an organelle, which resides close to a cells nucleus and is responsible for cell division. Many cancerous cells tend to have abnormal centrosomes. Even though nothing is proven at this point in time about BPA’s effects on the human body, the evidence at hand is enough to make you wonder how much BPA is actually flowing inside of you right now.
So what exactly is Bisphenol-A? BPA is a chemical compound used to make plastic and epoxy resins and is found not just all over the world but all over your household. BPA is used to produce many of the items that we find ourselves using on a day-to-day basis: from computers to sports equipment, eyeglass lenses and compact discs to the epoxy resin function which is found in adhesives, paints, dental sealants and on the inside of canned foods.

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