Autonomy Of Parents Essay

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Adolescents Autonomy in Parents-Child Relations Based on the modern study, Self- regulation and Autonomy are correlated to each other. Moreover, H. Grotevant and C. Cooper show that there are 2 kinds of processes for development of personal autonomy; first, the self-affirmation which is gaining responsibilities and self-confidence; second, the opposition of the first called separation process. In addition, adolescent tends to be more independent, mature, and responsible for his/her own decision when they feel the love, care, and support of the people around them especially, their parents. This need falls to emotional relationship of parent and child. Furthermore, this modern study also shows that every parenting technique has an equal result in the development of an adolescent’s autonomy. Additionally, In …show more content…

In this group the child are highest in terms of autonomy in which their parents let them to decide on their own way. They are given too much freedom yet sensitive to the needs of an adolescent. They also let the child to be part of any family decisions. Secondly, the independent adolescent has the most satisfying parents-relationships among five groups. The parents are also less control but not too much as the first. This relationship has a fair agreement. The parent tends to agree as well as the child. Thirdly, the moderate autonomous adolescent got the most emotional closeness to their parents especially with their mother. They tend to look at mostly their mother as a role model. This group is the most filled on their emotional relationship to their parents. Fourthly, the subordinate adolescent has a low autonomy on their own and high parent’s control. They tend to imitate the parent’s behavior to satisfy the parents. Once the parents satisfy, the child feels satisfied too. And lastly, the dependent adolescent this group has the lowest score in every autonomy. They find their parents as harmful and they have no have

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