Authoritarian Parenting

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When children were asked to report on their mothers’ parenting styles, similar patterns were found. For example, adolescents of European background in Canada were most likely to report authoritative parenting, whereas adolescents in India were more likely to report higher incidences of authoritarian parenting than the Canadian adolescents (Garg, Levin, Urajnik, & Kauppi, 2005). Specifically in India, authoritarian parenting is also consistent with Hindu values of respect for and duty towards one’s parents (Saraswathi & Pai, 1997). As a result, one can perceive that parents feel comfortable adopting styles of parenting that reflect their goals and societal values. Consequently, these styles tend to have an impact on the outcome of the development of the child/ children. …show more content…

Obedience is an asset and disciplinary measures are used to curb self-will. This type of parenting tries to institute respect of authority, respect for work and preservation of order and traditional structure. The authoritarian parenting style is high in control but low in warmth toward the child (Glasgow et al., 1997). This parenting style is characterized by a high level of demandingness and little responsiveness by the parents to the needs of the child. The expectation among these parents is that rules are followed without question. Maccoby and Martin indicated that “this parenting type scores high on measures of maturity demands and control but low on measures of responsiveness, warmth, and bidirectional communication” (as cited in Spera, 2005, p. 134). The environment with regard to this parenting style is extremely structured (Baumrind, 1971). This parenting style is associated with low levels of independence and social responsibility in their children (Baumrind,

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