Atticus Finch: The True Hero In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Is Atticus Finch the true hero of the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, well yes and no. Looking at the characters in the novel we will discuss how Atticus is a hero but not the true hero of the novel. It is easy to decide the answer to this topic by looking at what it means to be a hero. To be a hero it means to have the ability to help others that are in need even if it means you will suffer great personal loss. furthermore through the actions and examples of Atticus defending Tom Robinson and Boo saving the lives of many over only one even how Calpurnia is a very heroically figure by assisting with the growth and development of the two characters Scout and Jem. Throughout the novel certain events show Atticus being a hero when he stands up …show more content…

furthermore through Atticus’s determination it is clear that he is not willing to give up on this case even though he knows that the jury will give the verdict of guilty. This is a truly heroic act because it shows that atticus is willing to spend his time and effort on this case even though the overall outcome will be pointless, this shows that atticus is willing to sacrifice his a piece of his own life to help Tom robinson, not only because this is the right thing to do but because he is a hero who understands that another is currently in distress with what is most likely to be a very grim future. “You will never understand a person until you look from their point of view” this quote also shows that Atticus is a very understanding person because he knows that other people have their own stories and …show more content…

Fortunately for the two children Boo radley comes to the rescue and kills Bob Ewell. Likewise it can also be seen that Boo is a hero when he puts the blanket around scout, this is truly a kind and gracious gesture because not only is it a nice thing to do but it also proves to Scout that he is not a crazy killer like they originally thought. However he did kill Bob Ewell which is not really a heroic thing to do, but he does manage to save two lives by getting rid of one which is a better outcome than letting two people die, Which in the end is actually somewhat of a heroic thing to do. Therefore a clear connection is made that Boo radley is also another hero because of his quick actions and kind gestures, which means that Atticus is a hero but is not the true hero of the entire

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