Atticus Finch Father Development

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a well-known coming-of-age novel that showcases many characters that experience different life lessons, which develops the maturity within some characters. In the novel, there is a strong father and son relationship that deepens as the story progresses, showing how much a parent impacts their child’s development. Jem Finch is a prime example of how Atticus Finch’s ways of raising his children differ compared to most parents. Atticus guides both his children, Jem and Scout, throughout life but also trusts them enough to give them room to let them mature and grow into the person they chose to be. Harper Lee showcases the bond between Atticus and Jem by engraving certain stylistic writing techniques such …show more content…

The best form of syntax Harper Lee uses is the way the town of Maycomb views the way Atticus raises his children. The fact that Atticus Finch is defending a colored man whose life is on the line due to the prejudice against him within the town, most view Atticus Finch’s parenting styles to be wrong, similar to Miss Dubose’s view. “A lovelier lady than our mother never lived, she said, and it was heartbreaking the way Atticus Finch let her children run wild” (Lee 100). Despite most being inflicted by the usual ‘Maycomb disease’ of racism, there were few that were not and still viewed Atticus as a respectable man. When in fact, Miss Maudie fell in with the few as she mentions “Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets” (Lee 46). Both sentences were altered in a way that fit the person’ view …show more content…

In the relationship between Atticus and Jem, it is clearly emphasized on numerous occasions through dialogue that Atticus wants his children to continue to trust him. It is shown through Atticus’s conversations with other adults and Jem’s conversations with Scout. One clearer moment of Atticus’s need for the children’s trust is when he is in an argument with Sheriff Heck Tate about the cause of Bob Ewell’s death Atticus claims, “ If this thing’s hushed up it’ll be a simple denial to Jem of the way I’ve tried to raise him. Sometimes I think I’m a total failure as a parent, but I’m all they’ve got. Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and I’ve tried to live so I can look squarely back at him . . . if I connived at something like this, frankly I couldn’t meet his eye, and the day I can’t do that I’ve lost him. I don’t wanna lose him and Scout, because they’re all I’ve got” (Lee 247). Harper Lee mentions this frequently due to Atticus being a role model for his children. To Scout and especially Jem, he is seen as an honest man who they can trust to have the right idea of the world. If he is seen hindering the truth, who else would Jem and Scout turn to when they are lost in the bitter confusion? Harper Lee deliberately shows through dialogue the readers that Atticus knows how highly Jem and Scout think of him and of how he doesn’t want to damage that. In addition, it is also

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