Atticus Day Of Atonement

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When the creator approaches Moses, he instructs him to announce to Aaron the reasonability of his not being allowed to step into the Tent of Meaning; the answer was given. Throughout these instructions are the critical factors of Leviticus and a comprehension of the points of the Day of Atonement. Leviticus speaks about the two sons who are known for their sinning and going against their creator and against the rules of the Tabernacle. The rules of Judaism are set forth in the Ten Commandments and these rules are told in specific instructions and are meant to be used as given. Aaron’s sons have been given very specific directions and consciously do not follow them. Their mistake was not an honest one, where they made an error without knowing …show more content…

In contrast to Leviticus 1, he must bathe in the water and make it holy,

as well as take off the ornate clothing of the priest and wear simple linen clothing, but nothing

else. And as Aaron finished the making of Atonement for the Most Holy Place, he is responsible

to bring forward the goat: “He shall bathe himself with water in the sanctuary area and put on his

regular garments. Then he shall come out and sacrifice the burnt offering for himself and the

burnt offering for the people, to make atonement for himself and for the people. He shall

also burn the fat of the sin offering on the altar.” (Leviticus 16:24) Aaron had to bathe himself with water in the sanctuary area. He had to do this with water in a safe place and through the process he will purify himself and people will be making the rights with the Lord. These are the order of the events of this particular day of Atonement. This chapter of Leviticus is describing the significance of these rules when all people of Israel put away their sins and act accordingly.
Moses taught the important values and the procedures for

the things that may not be clean. This includes the time of judgment, which was the Day …show more content…

He was also known to be a gifted speaker. Most often, priests were appointed, and sometimes they were not qualified for their jobs. The Kohans were the priests at this time. They are descended from the Levites, who are from the Levis -one of the 12 Tribes of Israel - and they are descended from Aaron.
Leviticus 16 addresses the points when Aaron is allowed to enter the
Tent of Meaning where God would meet his people. It is also another tent for the Tabernacle of Moses. When Aaron enters the Most of Holy Place, he brings into the sanctuary a young bull for a symbol of a sin of offering and also to burn the offering. Aaron is to bring the bull for his own sin and to make the atonement for himself and his household. Aaron has to take the responsibility from the congregation of the sons of Israel and the bull for a sin offering and ram for a burnt offering. He presented the bull for the sin for offering and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head. This symbolizes the ram for the burnt offering and the ordination. Moses took the anointing of blood and sprinkled it on Aaron and his garments. Aaron and his sons did everything that God commanded as told by Mosses, on the tenth day of the seventh month, Yom

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