Atomic Bomb Dbq

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With Germany surrendering on May 7th, 1945 this left the Allies as predominate victors of World War II. Though only one thing stood in the Allies way, the Japanese had not yet surrendered. With time passing, and no surrender from Japan, Harry S. Truman must act to try and bring WWII to an end. Truman having access to two powerful weapons, he now has the decision whether to use them or not. On August 6th, 1945 the USA drops the first ever atomic weapon on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Without a surrender from the Japanese, 3 days later another atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki. Not only did the atomic bomb have an massive effect on the day they were dropped, they continue to have a massive effect on generations of Japanese. Although the dropping …show more content…

If the Japanese did not surrender, an invasion of Japan would have to take place, extending WWII and increasing the death toll for both sides. Though this was a valid argument for dropping the atomic bomb, it has been revealed that the Japanese Army and Navy spokesmen had approached Army officials in trying to negotiate a surrender settlement. The surrender settlement would allow the Japanese to retain the Emperor, who the Japanese viewed as a God. The Japanese Government were unwilling to compromise to an unconditional surrender due to the retention of the Emperor being involved with the surrender. The Japanese pleaded assurance in retaining the Emperor once they had surrendered. If the Allies accepted these terms the Japanese would have undoubtedly surrendered. The USA pursued in dropping the atomic bombs. Once the Japanese surrendered the Allies accepted the terms of Japan retaining their Emperor. If the Allies were willing to accept the terms of allowing Japan to retain the Emperor, why would they not accept it earlier? The USA only created extra bloodshed, which is what they wanted to “avoid”. This bloodshed would have been avoided if they had accepted the Japanese’s terms earlier and not after the bombings. The atomic bomb was not required in getting the Japanese to surrender in …show more content…

Though, the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was inhumane, which many would use in defense of dropping the atomic bombs. The atomic bombs exponentially had a greater short-term and long-term effect compared to the attack on Pearl Harbor. When the atomic bombs were dropped they immediately vaporized, killed or burned civilians close enough to the bomb. Buildings and homes were destroyed, and thousands were buried within the scattered debris. Long-term, radiation haunts the survivors of the atomic bombs. It brought sicknesses, an increase in the rates of cancer, and the offspring of survivors had birth defects that continue to pass down each generation. Those survivors who could not cope with the trauma committed suicide. Hundreds of thousands of civilians including women, children and the elderly suffered from the atomic bombs. The atomic bomb continued to kill even after World War II was over. In total, the two atomic bombs killed a total of 240,000+ civilians. The USA knew how powerful the atomic bombs were and even continued to drop the second bomb on Nagasaki although they seen the effects of the first bomb on Hiroshima. The atomic bombs left Japan and their citizens crippled and in despair, and should not have been

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