Athena Salman's Observation Essay

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My individual, Athena Salman, displays public service and public policy on a day-to-day basis by engaging with potential and existing voters. In many of her conversations with voters, she tries to make sure citizens understand their role in shaping public policy. Citizens have the choice to take part of the election process or make actual policies by lobbying, protesting and keeping elected officials accountable for their action or lack thereof. Engaging with voters has been a yearlong commitment by Athena that has resulted in a better Arizona. By that, I mean there was an increase in voter turnout in the Arizona state primary within the democratic party. The turnout increased about 30% compared to the last election in 2012. In 2012, there …show more content…

Before becoming the Democratic nominee, there was a section of Athena’s district that no candidate ever visited, target them, or even talked to them in a meaningful manner. The most common type of interactions elected officials would have with these groups is sending them literature to their home, but never initiating that direct voter contact. Athena has been a champion of making sure direct voter contact happen on a day-to-day basis in a very strategic move. As a result, there was an increase in voter turnout in the precincts that usually had low voter turnout. While Athena continues to build a relationship with her constituents, she also is educating herself on issues that the state legislature will be advocating for and against. Preparing ahead will allow Athena to recognize certain patterns and themes on how the legislature creates their agenda. A strategic move like this will help her gain some leverage to sponsor certain bills or pass bills that favor her constituents if elected. Her main focus at the moment just builds relationships with her constituents so she can be elected

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