Assignment 1 Proctoring

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Tasks. 1. What is Proctoring? Proctoring is the act of invigilating or administrating, supervising or watching, monitoring or simply examining an exam being taken by a student, in order to make sure that the standard academic code of conducts---preventing cheating--- is maintained during that exam. A Proctor is the legitimate person who is qualified to perform the action “proctoring”. According to - “a person appointed to keep watch over students at examinations” (, 2016). Exam, in this case, can also be in form of writing, interview or even Practical. 2. Why the UoPeople requires proctored exams. From my own point of view, whatever purposes there might be, all are linked to just one reason. …show more content…

When a final exam is administered by an objective proctor, it lends meaningful authenticity to a student’s demonstrated mastery and competence of the subject.”(Laurel Spring, February 13, 2012). By the UoPeople for instance, if a course required proctoring prior to the student graduation, · The student is responsible for finding his/her own Proctor for that exam. · Without a proctor the exam will not even take place and the Student will be given a grade “F” for that course. · Meaning that the student failed that course automatically. Because The UoPeople is a distance learning higher institution and bides to the laws of Academic integrity, proctored exam is very important. So to obtain a Degree and for the transcript to be Authentic, a Proctored Exam is required prior to graduation 3. Criteria for an appropriate Proctor. There are so many Criteria for an appropriate Proctor. Most of the criteria are imposed by the Higher education institutions and also by law. By the UoPeople for instance. The criteria according to the UoPeople Undergraduate catalog are as follows: o be responsible adults, such as a local official, supervisor at work, librarian, or a religious figure, and be at least 21 years …show more content…

Students are strictly prohibited from offering the proctor any payment or other benefit in return for the proctor’s willingness to supervise the exam”.(UoPeople Undergraduate Catalog, 2016-2017, Page 55.) Meaning that the Proctor much be a person of dignity. 4. Registering a Proctor at the UoPeople. Registering a Proctor is relatively easy and is done always at the beginning of the term of the course requiring a Proctor, prior to graduation. This is done at the Student Portal Website after logging in. So during the online registration of Courses, if the oncoming term type of course requires Proctor, the student have to add a proctor. To do so the student have to click on the “add a proctor” button link at the page where all the courses and types are presented. There the student will be required to introduce some information regarding the proctor. Information such as below will be required: - First and last name. - Email Address. - Telephone

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