Assessment of the Success of the New Deal

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Assessment of the Success of the New Deal

Source Based

1. The people of the 1932 election supported Franklin Delano

Roosevelt as he offered them a new deal. This new deal was supposed to

“Win the crusade to restore America.” The way he says this in his

political campaign for the election (manifesto), shows that he feel

that this is more than a simple task of restoring America, he believes

it to be more of a religious event. He also compares the depression to

war “It is a call to arms.” He does this to add tension to the

situation by saying that this is nearly as bad as war.

“I am waging war against destruction, delay, deceit and despair,” This

quote refers to the lack of state intervention by Herbert Hoover.

Hoover believed in ‘rugged individualism’ and ‘laissez faire’ and he

kept saying, “Prosperity is just around the corner” which clearly

shows that, in his view, the economy would sort itself out in time,

this was not to be the case, as he would find out in the oncoming

years. Franklin D Roosevelt had the opposite ideas to that of Herbert


2. Sources B and C differ in their opinion of President

Roosevelt. A democrat (possibly a socialist) who supported F.D.R and

believed that what F.D.R was doing was right wrote source B. He says

the first thing that America needed to do is “to restore self

confidence” in order to progress in their quest to help rid themselves

from their economic depression.

He then goes on about the physical achievements, the planting of 17

million acres of new forests and the building of 6 million dams to

stop erosion. At the end of the source, the writer says, “the charge

that Roosevelt has been a dictator is not true.” This shows his

beliefs in Roosevelt.

However, the writer of source C has other views. An anti-Roosevelt

author wrote this. He feels that Roosevelt has made too many American

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