Asian American Stereotypes Essay

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Asian Americans, like Hispanics/Latinos and Native Americans, represent a vast array of people who are diverse in their customs, language, and culture (2014). However, Asian Americans are more accepted in the U.S. than other ethnic minorities. Asian Americans are the highest-income, best-educated and fastest-growing racial group in the country. But not for the reasons you think (2015). American Asians come into the U.S. smart and hard workers, putting Asians on a sure path to success. According to Guo (2016), Asians “proved themselves” through their actions and people became less racism toward Asians (Guo, 2016). Asians have been more accepted because people have less fear of them than they do of other ethnic groups. They are more accepted because they come to the U.S. already educated. Asian Americans have succeeded in their attempts to assimilate into mainstream American society, there are noticeable differences between the groups as well as a tendency to …show more content…

They own nail salons, Asian restaurants, and dry cleaners. They contribute more to their community than most people expect. Asians have always presented themselves as quiet and kept to themselves. Many people feel as if Asian Americans may not speak English and that they are innocent. The stereotypes that most people form of many Asians is that they are either tourists in the United States and that they are smart at mathematics. The general perception that people make of African Americans is that they are only good for playing ball, thugs, or rappers and that we are not contributing to our communities. Other races perceive Hispanics as illegal immigrants and that they would take their jobs. With the president of the United States stating build the wall so Hispanics and other illegal immigrants cannot come in this country. With the support that Donald Trump received to build the wall really show the true colors of the people that voted for

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