Arthur Shawcross Killer

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People move all the time. Whether the relocation is due to personal or professional reasons, most often is it to start a new, and better, life. The community doesn’t usually know that new members are present and they go about their daily lives. In April of 1987, Rochester, NY gained two new members of the community and they were none the wiser until women, mainly prostitutes, began to disappear and then would turn up murdered starting in early 1988. Arthur Shawcross, relocated to Rochester after being paroled and having his criminal record sealed, was given the ability to start a new life, but he returned to his old habits of mutilation and murder by killing 11 women over two years.
There are numerous categories and classifications of crimes committed. Some classifications are based on the type of crime committed while some are some are classified by the perpetrator’s motivation in committing the crime. The serial killer behavioral patterns discussed in class are: visionary, mission based, hedonistic and power/control. While Shawcross’ murders centralized around prostitutes and could initially be classified as mission based, I believe that he was a hedonistic lust serial killer. He derived “sexual gratification from killing and who often establish a pattern, such as the manner in which they kill or the types of victims they select, such as prostitutes, children, or the elderly (Hickey 35).” Although evidence wasn’t found that Shawcross sexually penetrated his victims, the mutilation he performed on them had a definite sexual component that escalated in nature as he continued to kill. He bit one woman’s genital area, cut off another’s breasts, sodomized another and with June Stott, cut her from the top of the chest between her br...

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...on the behavior. There are plenty of abused children that go on to lead healthy, well-adjusted lives without committing criminal behaviors. Ultimately, I think human behavior is a delicate balance between nature and nurture although there is no way to prove it with the measures available today.

Works Cited

"Arthur Shawcross." 2014. The Biography Channel website. 1 March 2014.
Hickey, Eric W. Serial Murderers and Their Victims. 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth,
Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.
Investigative Reports: Inside the Killer's Mind. Perf. Arthur Shawcross. A&E Television Networks, 2000. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
Stochholm, K., A. Bojesen, A. S. Jensen, S. Juul, and C. H. Gravholt. "Criminality in Men with Klinefelter's Syndrome and XYY Syndrome: A Cohort Study." BMJ Open 2.1 (2012): E000650. Print.

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