Arson Investigation Case Study Examples

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Arson Investigation How does the law that affects search and seizures pertain to arson investigations? There are two major court cases that we should look at. First, we will give a little background on the Michigan v Tyler case and the Michigan v. Clifford case. In Michigan v. Tyler a court case that was decided in 1978. On January 21, 1970, a fire started in a furniture store, the fire department responded and began working. Later a plastic container with flammable liquids was found and reported as possible arson. The chief did like any other and had an investigator come in and began investigating. Well, the smoke and steam became too much so the investigation stopped. Later, the investigation started again after everyone had left …show more content…

In Michigan v. Tyler, the US Supreme Court ruled 'exigent circumstances' existed when they were talking about a fire suppression crews that entered a building to extinguish a fire. The ruling would begin as a guideline to fire/arson investigators for following the fourth amendment guarantee against unlawful search and seizure. In Michigan v. Clifford, the US Supreme Court ruled that a consent to search or an administrative search warrant must be obtained to conduct a search for fire origin and cause when the investigation is not a continuation of the original entry. This is why we always leave someone on scene until the investigation is done or it is turned over to another department. Upon an investigator determining the fire cause to be arson, the investigator must stop the search and again obtain a consent to search from the property owner or a criminal search warrant. This draws a line between an origin-and-cause search and that of a criminal search. If a person refuses to a consent search, the scene can be secured and a criminal search warrant obtained for a continuation of a search. There should now be some guidelines established for investigators, when it deals with the conduct of investigations. Some suggestions for procedures include, making sure there is contact between the investigator and the prosecutor. Also, there should be guidelines that address the making of an arson team. Next, you should have a waiver for the fire scene origin and cause examination. An affidavit form should be used with any arson scene search warrant, and finally better training for all firefighters on arson detection (United States

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