Arguments Against Vegetarianism

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God’s purpose of creating the animals

Did God create the animals for companionship or food for humanity? God created the heavens and the earth, the waters and the lights, the animals and the human kind. And God saw that it was good. God placed Adam and Eve, the very first two human beings, in a paradise named Eden. Eden was full of plants, seeds, trees, and animals. However, a major conflict has arisen among people on whether the animals were created for companionship or food for humans? The Bible seems to be extremely contradictory about this specific topic by providing supportive biblical texts for both sides of the argument. Vegetarians use biblical texts to support their vegetarianism but, there is in fact more evidence supporting that God created animals for food rather than companionship.
One of the main questions vegetarians tend to ask non-vegetarians is “Why would God want humans to destroy his other creations?” Yet the Bible states “Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, …show more content…

Although the biblical text above does, in fact, support vegetarians, the Bible later says that Adam did not seem to find animals as ideal partners. Hence, God created Eve. One thing that Jury Barad highlighted according to Umberto Cassuto’s observation is that “It would be impossible for Adam to know better than the all-knowing creator that animals were not appropriate partners.” I suppose God understands the whole concept of human necessities more than humanity

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