Argumentative Essay: The Million Man March

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We stopped only once on the drive down Friday to the Women’s March on Washington DC, and the rest stop was filled with people wearing pink pussyhats. Cars sporting homemade ‘honk if you’re going to the women’s march’, signs in the window caravanned to the nations capitol and we devised a new car game called ‘spot whose going to the march.’ While some officials put the numbers at 500,000, as someone who was at the march I’d say that number is grossly underestimated. The National Park Service hasn’t provided crowd estimates for gatherings since 1995 when they were threatened with a lawsuit by the organizers of the Million Man March. According to D.C. Metro officals, Saturday saw the second highest subway ridership for the day in it’s 40-year history. The first being President Barack …show more content…

500,000? More?”
 She shrugged and said, “Don’t know yet.” What was clear was people from across the nation converged on the capital to make their voices heard, for the causes that matter to them. Stephanie BigCrow, from Standing Rock Indian Reservation was there representing the people of Standing Rock and those protesting the Dakota Access pipeline, with a group of fellow Indigeous people. “We are here supporting our sisters and brothers, as well as continuing to bring attention to what is happening in Standing Rock. Water is life.” In a situation with crowds this size, it’s how markedly peaceful the day was. There is no hyperbole when I write that for three hours I was stuck between the CNN truck and the medical tent, unable to move an inch. There were no fights I could see, no snarky comments to fellow marchers it was remarkable. The only moments of unrest I felt were when the speaker program was extended into the march start time by two hours. Then, the crowd began to chant let’s march now. Hindsight being 20/20, I hope the organizers would consider having the bulk of the speakers and performers at the end of the march, if there is to be

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