Argumentative Essay: Stand Your Ground Law

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Imagine that your daughter is walking home from the store. A man in a black car starts following her. He gets out and begins to follow her by foot. You daughter begins to run in fear. The suspicious character begins running after her. She stops and decides to face her fear. She knees him and pepper sprays him. Seconds later, shots were fired leaving your daughter dead. She is the aggressor and he is justified for shooting her in “self-defense” under the stand your ground law. The stand-your-ground law is a law that states that an individual has the lawful right to use any level of forces, including lethal force, if they are faced in any situation where they feel harmed. The first “stand your ground” law was passed in April of 2005 in Florida.WHile the “Stand Your Ground” law can be used as self defense, it puts the lives of African American youth in danger by allowing people to take unfair advantage of the law: therefore, O.C.G.A 16-3-23.1 should be prohibited. …show more content…

While many people appeal this statement, there are some who agree. “Research shows that “Stand Your Ground” laws are associated with as many as 700 additional homicides nationwide each year (Galloway). Jim Galloway’s position is supported by clear evidence. States that who’ve adopted the “Stand Your Ground” laws have shown an increase of homicides and violent crimes. Mayors Against Illegal guns, a group formed by former New York mayor, Michael Bloomberg, research and discovered that there was an additional count of homicides nationwide. With regards to the increase of homicides, “The Stand Your Ground” law is to blame. It provides sufferance for insecure or demented

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