Argumentative Essay On Standardized Testing

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Standardized testing has taken a harsh toll on students and teachers in America. President Obama has even stated that he wants to limit the amount of testing that students take. Many people believe that the testing takes out the fun in teaching and in learning. Students also don’t all test the same. How can students enjoy school if they have to take all of these state mandated tests? Standardized testing takes out the fun out of teaching. It also takes the fun out of learning. Instead of teaching students just for the fun of teaching, teachers are having to teach students how to take test. A recent study has shown that the average number of tests taken by 10th graders is about ten and a half, and the average amount of hours spent testing is about 23.9. Teachers feel pressured by the state, because they have to make sure they cover a certain amount of curriculum in a short …show more content…

Studies have all shown that students all learn and test differently. Students could also be having an “off” day and not have tested very well. Yes, in a way it doesn’t harm the student too severely, but it does harm the teacher’s evaluation. One student can know the material from all different aspects, but when it comes to the test they don’t do very well. Another student can not know the material as well, but somehow on the test they out-perform the other. Some students have developed anxiety when it comes to taking tests; therefore, causing the student to freak out over the test and not score well. Other students with dyslexia also struggle when it comes to these tests they jumble up the words and perform poorly on the tests. A negative effect to standardized testing is that the student is only scored off of one individual test, rather than their overall performance throughout the course of the

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