Argumentative Essay On Pro Life

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The choices that a woman has to make are not easy, especially if it concerns the choice to end a life or continue life. The moral choice has got to be difficult, and with the opinion of other people this decision is made harder. Concerning pro-choice to pro-life, an article ( this was quote by Daniel C Maguire that the women’s pro-life or pro-choice make one wonder what other life options a woman have”. The thing that disturbed me is he the emotional well-being decides whether a fetus will be born. I myself do have experience in the fact I used to work for an abortion clinic, one of the biggest ones in New York. And to tell you the truth this was a well-paying job but the scariest place to work. Every day was a task …show more content…

In order to understand you would have to know what is pro-life and pro-choice, by saying you are pro-life you believe the government should end abortions period. That they should uphold the preservation of life and the choice is not in the hands of the person. So what would we have then, an overpopulated country, with children being mistreated or even put into a system. A system that is over worked now with people who decide to have children they did not want, or could not take care of. Then there is the other spectrum of things pro-choice who believes that you should have unlimited choices to keep getting pregnant and aborting as many children as you want. Which is the most horrible side of things to me, some people uses this for the wrong reasons. They both argue some valid points so it is hard to agree on who is right, according to the article by ( “Pro Choice: It’s just a blob of tissue, not a baby” and the other quote “Pro Life: The preborn child has a heartbeat by the end of the third week. When surgical abortions are performed in the mid to late first trimester, the baby has arms, legs, feet,

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