Argumentative Essay On Pandora

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Being Pandora, the first woman to ever exist, a devoted wife to Epimetheus, and loving mother of the surviving Pyrrha, I have learned many lessons through my journeys. In the Hospitality prompt, two travelers seek shelter from an old couple living on an island. The couple is generous and follows all rules of Xenia, but by the end of the travelers’ stay, they have broken one. This action the travelers take as a sign to leave, but destroy the couple’s cottage before their departure. Angry, the elderly couple request that the gods curse the wicked travelers, but should they? Given my mantra is “Lack of respect comes with a serious price,” I choose to side with the innocent couple. Zeus, my powerful creator, is not only god of the sky but also god of Xenia, or hospitality. Since I owe my life, husband, and child to him, I abide by his rules and encourage others to do the same. Though the elderly couple did break an important rule of Xenia, their wrongdoing only came after that of the travelers. By being so greedy and demanding, the visitors did not respect their hosts from the moment they arrived. The sweet couple only snapped after almost being deprived of one of the last things the visitors had not taken. Throughout my lifetime, one of the most …show more content…

When I disobeyed the rules of Zeus, he did not punish me, but instead blessed me with his forgiveness. If it were not for his generosity, I would never have had my daughter, Pyrrha. Without her, the human race would cease to exist. My husband, Epimetheus, was responsible for giving fire to mankind. This infuriated Zeus, who punished him by chaining him to a rock where an eagle feasted on his liver every day. Zeus gave him the opportunity to be forgiven if someone else was willing to take his place. Eventually, Chiron, the centaur, volunteered to take Epimetheus’ place, allowing my family to be reunited as

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