Argumentative Essay On Katniss

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Reality tv is something most people watch and enjoy, katniss used this to draw the viewers in so the would sponsor her and so she had a better chance to live in the arena. The traits katniss had helped her with this. It gave her an advantage because the more that people liked her the more sponsors she would get which would then help her through out the games.being strategic,caring and entertaining makes a great reality tv show because it makes the viewers want to watch more. Katniss was very strategic when it came to her fake romance with peeta. She was supposed to make it very believable that she was in love, they were the “star crossed lovers” and she did an amazing job at it. Especially when she saved peeta and brought him to health.she didn’t have to do that, she could've just let him die but she knew it would help her out in the games,you could say that she is a great actress because she made it very believable that she loved peeta and even though she did generally care about him she didn’t love him as much as she made it seem. Doing this made a great reality show because people love romance and in a show where there is …show more content…

And Rue reminded Katniss of her younger sister which is why katniss allied with the book there are any things that show how carig katniss but the one that stuck out is when rue died, when rue died katniss killed her first opponent because she really did care about rue and as rue was dying katniss stayed with her and sang which is something she doesn’t like to do but she cared so much for Rue she did it for her,this added heart to the games and a lot of people could relate to it because many people have relatives or friends that they love and it showed everyone that not every tribute in the game is a blood thirsty killer, it showed that these were real people with real

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