Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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Guns are a huge part of society in today’s world. Gun control is a central argument which many people have different views and opinions on in the United States of America. Government officials have many disagreements on this topic which results in the public not having a definite regulation on guns other than what has already been in place. From past to recent events such as the Sandy Hook shooting in one of Connecticut's elementary schools, the deadly Paris terror attacks, and the frequent shootings occurring all over the nation, these incidents have led many people to believe that gun control is needed in this country. On the contrary, others hold to the Second Amendment of the Constitution; it clearly states “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” A mix of both sides sets this nation in the best logical position for the future. Guns should not be controlled to the extreme; however, guns should not have too much freedom. According to a survey of 2010 by the Federal Firearm Legislation, there were approximately 300 million guns owned by citizens of the United States of America. Of that 300 million guns, about 190 million are rifles and shotguns and the other 110 million are accounted for handguns. Based on data from the U.S. Department of …show more content…

There are more people defending themselves than people committing crimes with the use of guns. The central issue is the person holding the gun. No matter if there is a ban on guns or not, if someone gets there hands on a gun it is up to that individual on how it is used. With that being said, there are both good and bad people in the world. How guns are used depends on the character of the person with the gun. A gun cannot be used without an individual squeezing the trigger. At the end of the day, it all comes down to who has the

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