Argumentative Essay On Ellis Island

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“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” Though the immigrants to Ellis Island could not see Emma Lazarus’ “The New Colossus” within the base of the Statue of Liberty, “tired” and “poor” were overwhelming applicable to the desperate souls seeking new life in America. While Ellis Island has a reputation in popular culture for being the “processing center” for all those seeking to enter America on the East Coast, the sad truth is that primarily only steerage passengers who could just barely afford their ticket were the ones waiting in line at Ellis Island to gain admission into the United States. For those who could afford a luxury ticket, the immigration authorities boarded ships for them, and once given the all-clear, were then proceeded to be dropped off at New York. For those who had to wait, immigration processing included checking paperwork, medical examinations, mental health tests, and work interviews. For those that had some kind of disease or were deemed too unskilled to support themselves, rounds and rounds of the bureaucratic process started to take place. Ellis Island Hospital, on the south end of the island, became the eventual deathbed of 3,000 would-be …show more content…

I found it especially interesting, given this election’s candidates and their positions, how xenophobia has always been a deplorable aspect of American society as a whole. But walking through the immigrant monument and seeing names like Irving Berlin and Johnny Weissmuller serves as a reminder that immigration is what makes America great right now. In fact, I was surprised to see that Donald J. Trump had received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, signifying impact made by an immigrant or children of immigrants. Standing in the processing hall, where the forefathers of 40% of our current population once stood, truly helped me recognize how diverse and unique our nation

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