Argumentative Essay On Democracy

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It has been famously said by Winston Churchill that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all of the other ones; yet, despite this being somewhat truthful, the liberal democracy does allow for the expansion of civil rights for others, granted there are enough people who are willing to make the change happen through collective action, and pushing our agents to legislate this change. This is one of the greater challenges of democracy, for when the majority infringes upon the rights of the minority - yet, as citizens, it is our right to expect that the rights that have been given to others, be given to us. Therefore, in the past, the founders of the country kept in mind the concept of liberty, where the people should be able to …show more content…

This can lead to challenges in determining the range and meaning of citizenship, and how it can be properly applied in the context of a democratic system. Compounding this is the problem that once these rights have been mandated, there can be cases where citizens will refrain from using these rights -- it is a notable detriment to democratic society to renege on the civic duty of voting, or any other type of democratic exercise (Sockett, pg.1). Being a member of a democratic society constitutes that participation in the democratic process be recognized by the citizen themselves -- otherwise, the system of democracy becomes ineffective and virtually pointless. Furthermore, there are specific aspects of civic life that are essential in keeping the democratic system intact, and being citizen and its qualities are included -- membership of a democratic political

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