Argumentative Essay On Cloning

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Eliza B. Długopolska
Jerome High School
English 12A
Mrs. Nicole Waitley
Friday, 3 November 2017

Cloning is a new branch of medicine. Though medicine is already well developed it will be always evolving. Now the scientists are focused on cloning. Many people seem to be frightened, but progress is inevitable. Cloning can be very beneficial if it is used properly. In order to clone an organism, the scientists must know the structure, function and construction of every single cell in the body. Moreover cloning is a hope for incurably sick people, because the main purpose of cloning is to find new ways to treat patients. Some people may be afraid of …show more content…

Setting that limit might slow progress, but that might be a good thing if it gives everyone a chance to reflect on matters this complex. "This is not about the limits of human technology," Wu says. "It is about the limits of human wisdom." (Gibbs, N., Goldstein, A., Cooper, M., & Duffy, M., 2001), 38.)
There are many diseases that are impossible to treat. Now, it is the time to broaden the knowledge about cloning. This may be the new method to cure, but due to being afraid the progress may be slowed down. Undeniably cloning shouldn’t be criticized just because people are not aware how beneficial it can be. By having the knowledge gained by cloning, vast majority of severely sick people would be able to be completely treated. People are not aware and a lot of them claim that cloning is against the God’s will “"If your religious beliefs will not let you accept a cure for your child's cancer, so be it," argued California Democrat Zoe Lofgren. "But do not expect the rest of America to let their loved ones suffer without cure."” (Gibbs, N., Goldstein, A., Cooper, M., & Duffy, M., 2001), 38.)
However rescuing humanity from diseases requires a huge

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