Argumentative Essay On Caffeine

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Caffeine has been around for thousands of years and can be found in numerous locations around the world. The substance has been mentioned in literature as early as the ninth-eighth century, where Homer, a Greek poet, “…mentioned a drink that was able to help people stay awake…” according to the article, Caffeine: Should people consume caffeine? (2011). According to, “Caffeine was first extracted from cocoa beans into its purest form, a white powder, in the 1820s by a German Scientist named Friedrich Ferdinand Runge”. Since the discovery and extraction of caffeine the substance has been under constant scrutiny. Caffeine has been labeled as addictive drug by some and others have labeled caffeine as a harmless substance. Those who label caffeine as an addictive drug compare the substance to nicotine and alcohol. Caffeine has been found to raise blood pressure and in some cases, caffeine could result in a heart attack. By consuming large quantities of caffeine, the body becomes dependent on the substance to stay awake and to be able to function normally. When people who consume large amounts of caffeine daily cut down on their caffeine intake they could suffer a multitude of ailments including headaches, anxiety, irritability, and …show more content…

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Pietrangelo, A., & Cherney, K. (2017, August 07). The Effects of Caffeine on Your Body. (20 Nov. 2017). Retrieved from

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