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Value of a college education
Benefits of attending college or university
The benefits of college
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Recommended: Value of a college education
Is College Essential?
Over the years, the route for a large majority of students after high school has turned into the road of pursuing higher education. While some critics argue that enrolling in institutions is simply unnecessary or a waste of money, it is undeniable that college benefits those who pursue it economically and intellectually.
The heaviest factor against college seems to be the cost. Of course, college is costly, however the gain of education is much more valuable than dollar bills. More realistically, there are programs to help pay the cost of college, and the career one gets after going through college will help pay, too. Additionally, those who received a college education on average earn $20,000 a year more than those who did not, according to Pew Social & Demographic Trends. Those with only a high school diploma make 83 percent less than full time workers with a bachelor’s degree, as reported by David Leonhardt of the New York Times. Furthermore, Leonhardt stated, “College graduates, though hardly immune from the downturn, are also far less likely to be unemployed than non-graduates.”
Once financial situations are set aside, it is certain that college provides an opportunity for personal growth. “A successful liberal arts education
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In short, college is essential to improving quality of life.
”Is College Worth It?” Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project, 15 May 2011 Leonhardt, David. “Even for Cashiers, College Pays Off.” Google Groups, Google, 25 June 2011
Roth, Michael. "What's a Liberal Arts Education Good For?" The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 01 Dec. 2008.
“Thiel Fellow Ship Pays 24 Talented Students $100,000, Not to Attend College.” The Chronicle of Higher
“Why College is Still Worth It Even Though It Cost Too Much.” Money.com (2015): N.PAG. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 11 Oct. 2016 The author of this paper address that a lot of college students feel like the time, money, and effort is not worth it; However, studies show that it does pay off by receiving higher pay, better work hours, and better benefits, such as insurance plans. A poll was done using college alumni to see if they thought that college paid off, and of the 30,000 that were in the poll a majority of them agreed that it did. Also, the writer includes several other polls conducted to show the life-long impacts of a college education, which includes better career and friendship
In the past several years, there has been a growing trend in the number of college-bound individuals getting two-year degrees from community colleges or earning certification for their desired career field at vocational schools. Such schools certainly seem to have some valuable qualities: all boast of having lower costs than other colleges, of their absence of student loans, of allowing people to make more money quicker, of being narrowly focused so students don’t have to take classes they don’t need. They attempt to point out apparent weaknesses in liberal arts colleges as well, claiming that such an education is unnecessary in today’s world. However, for every reason to go to a community or two-year college, a vocational track, or an apprenticeship, there is another, stronger reason for going to a traditional, four-year college, and the liberal arts degree gained at four year colleges far outstrips the degree gained at a two year school or through a vocational track.
Based on Three Reasons College Still Matters, there are three main reasons why a college education is so important. From an economical standpoint, an education is most of the time needed to earn enough money to live comfortably. Attending and completing college provides a possibility for future economic stability. Within a highly competitive workforce a college degree can put a foot in the door to a job of a person’s choice. Statistics show that people who obtain a bachelor’s degree or higher get paid more than those who do not obtain one. Many question the worth of a college degree because of how expensive it is, though some say that the money spent is an investment on a person’s future. One can say that the worth of a college education is within the eye of the beholder. Many q...
College is a popular topic for most, and Sanford J. Ungar and Charles Murray have a unique way of explaining both their opinions. In his essay, “The New Liberal Arts,” Sanford J. Ungar advocates that the liberal arts should be everybody’s education, regardless of the fact that most Americans are facing economic hardship. The first misconception that he begins to explain is “a liberal arts degree is a luxury that most families can no longer afford”. Career education” is what we now must focus on.”
The argument about if college is worth it or not has been one of the biggest arguments throughout the media for decades. Students suffer a lot from the debts that they get from college and also the amount of studying that they do in college and when they graduate they ask themselves “is graduation from college really worth all the money that we paid and all the work that we have done?”
“Hence you see why “liberal studies” are so called; it is because they are studies worthy of a free- born gentlemen. But there is only one really liberal study – that which gives a man his liberty. It is the study of wisdom”, said Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the Roman Stoic philosopher who lived during the time of Jesus Christ. Historically speaking, learning liberal arts we learn ourselves to be passionate, loyal, brave and what is more important, generous. The word “freedom” has been the fundamental component of any American Dream. Today we celebrate our nation’s independence and allowance to govern ourselves.
Whether or not to attend College after graduating High School is an important decision in a young person’s life. There are a number of factors to consider such as funds, grades, and other social issues that must be considered. The government offers different types of funding for students like Pell grants and student loans. Therefore, everyone is able to attend some college, even if it is just the local Community College in the area. Attending College is the supreme option for most High School graduates, which will enable them to earn their maximum potential income, while also preparing them to make well informed decisions throughout their lifespan. College can also help to improve a person’s social skills and provides a multitude
Although a college education grows more and more expensive every year. People begin to question whether college is a good idea to invest in or not. “As college costs continue to rise, students and their families are looking more carefully at what they are getting for their money. Increasingly, they are finding that the college experience falls short of their expectations”(Cooper. H Mary). Many people believe that the cost of a college degree has outstripped the value of a degree.Studies show that a college degree will increase your earning power. A lot of people say that a college degree now is worth what a high school diploma was wor...
College is thought of as what every parent wants for their child, so they can go off andmake something of themselves. For the most part, this is true. Those who attend college arebetter off than those who do not, on average, earning far more than their undereducatedcounterparts. College is a worthwhile investment and should be pursued by all who have thechance because it helps students further their knowledge, it is a place to find who you are, and itgives them a different perspective of the world.College is worth the cost because if college was available for everybody and collegedegrees were handed out as commonly and at the same rate as high school diplomas then collegewould not be that special. Therefore, college would just be an extension of high school. Ifanyone could get their hands on a degree, how would you be able to get the job you want? It isbetter for college to cost money because if a student really wants to attend college and furthertheir education, they should have already been willing to pay or to find a way to pay for collegeto get the upper hand on the general
The view of what college is and what the experience of college offers, differ dramatically between an individual and the society he or she lives. College has traditionally been viewed as the place young adults go to find themselves, find their career, and start their adult lives. Some have argued that education has veered too far away from tradition, while others argue that the whole idea of Liberal Education needs to keep evolving to meet the demands of the modern world. Those in favor of change argue for more diversity within the curriculum, such as more non-western world education and feminist thought. However, the traditional educational ideal has not completely vanished. At the majority of colleges in America the Liberal Arts, or General Education, is the core requirement that every student must take regardless of major. A liberal education studies the idea of what it means to be a good human being. The Liberal Arts are important to everyone because it tries to grasp each individual’s uniqueness and find their place in society. These classes aim to challenge students to become better people, better citizens, and overall create a better society. Liberal Arts try to grasp the knowledge and skills humans have used to rationally understand human existence for thousands of years. By creating culturally diverse campuses and studying topics like philosophy; students learn to question life, question society, and find answers to what it means to be a good person. All of these innovations together along with better informed and intelligent students help form societies focused on equality and the future of human civilization.
During high school, whether it is by a teacher, parent or classmate a student will be advised to go to college. “College is where you find yourself,” they will say. College is made to seem as the place where students will attain a brilliant education, thus making them feel as though once they are done with the schooling, a dependable job of high pay will appear for them. In our society, college is not a scarce option, but rather, an expectation. For many graduating high schoolers, college is the next step. Attaining a college degree is not necessary for creating a life for us as our civilization makes it out to be.
According to Harris,” together with the tools of examination and analysis that you will learn to use, will enable you to develop your own opinions, attitudes, values, and beliefs, based not upon the authority of parents, peers, or professors, and not upon ignorance, whim, or prejudice, but upon your own worthy apprehension, examination, and evaluation of argument and evidence.” In other words liberal arts can help you learn how to think and how to learn which will help you develop you own ideas and arguments. As well as help you be able to clearly get out your thoughts and clearly think of the in your head. This can help people be able to change things in the society with ideas that other people haven’t thought of yet. It will also allow people to stick to what they believe in and develop things that can help them take their beliefs and take an action with it in society. It can also help people to exercise their brain and wise throughout the years because liberal arts help you work out your brain as well as teaching you how to continue working out you brain. This will help you stay and get smarter throughout the years, which can also help the society as well as the
It is easy to think college is not worth the cost to become better, but getting educated molds a better person, and creates happier people in the future and occasionally they become better in health (Leonhardt 25 ). Becoming a better and happier person is pleasing for everyone. Even former President Obama says “‘Education helps us be better people. It helps us be better citizens. You came to college to learn about the world and to engage with new ideas and to discover the things you're passionate about -- and maybe have a little fun’” (Procon.org). Learning and engaging in everything is a skill everyone should have, so like he said we should go to college to be able to do that. Additionally, education shows people to develop more intellectual skill and become more responsible (Pew Social and Demographic Trends). Thus said, being educated and smart is something everyone can do and college helps with that. Likewise, college can encourage someone to be more educated and happier. Reaching the point of happier and more educated is worth the cost.
In today’s society, the idea of receiving a college education has been pondered quite a bit as to whether or not it is actually worth it. According to Michelle Adam, many people “…today believe that getting a good education is key to success in our society, this revealed surprising issues that challenge the notion of higher education being worth its price tag” (59). Naturally, many high school graduates apply for college right before or after graduation. Others decide to go into the work force, armed forces, or simply remain unemployed. The question that many people debate about is, is a college education worth it in the long run? Though some people believe a college education will benefit ones’ career, others believe it will cause a mass of debt and loans for college students and graduates, and postpone life events.
While some students and their parents may argue for whether college is beneficial economically, a college education benefits people in other areas of life as well such as getting a job and living on their own. Some may argue that students should go straight to work or that college isn’t even worth the cost. However, colleges and universities prepare students for more than just the workforce and are definitely worth the money, no matter which field you pursue. Colleges help develop certain skills that will be useful later in life when they must do things on their own such as buying groceries or setting up a schedule to stay on task. In Source B, Roth explains that liberal arts education results in “focus and flexibility”, and also “emphasizes freedom and experimentation”.