Argumentative Essay: Immigration Is Destroying Our Economy

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Immigration is an important topic and there are two very differing views. Some people believe that immigration is important and these people are fleeing terrorism and need help. I agree with this, these people are fleeing terrorism and need help. There’s another viewpoint that believes immigration is destroying our economy and the people in our country should come before the people in others. I believe that immigration is destroying our economy; people are coming in and we are giving them free aid, poverty levels continue to increase and the amount of immigrants we take in isn’t making a dent, and lastly America is already diverse with culture and race. Our economy is the first reason why immigration doesn’t make sense. The United States of …show more content…

Most of these people are disabled veterans waiting in line for free medical care that they can’t provide for themselves, but many immigrants/refugees coming into the United States are receiving this free aid immediately (anything from schooling, to food stamps, to healthcare). Now if people are in need, I’m not against helping them; but I think it makes sense to help the people currently living here first (especially those who fought for our country). On top of all that we are trillions of dollars in debt (like I stated earlier) and don’t have money to be throwing around giving away free things. I don’t have anything against refugees and I know that those people desperately need help; but there are already people in our country that desperately need help, and they aren’t getting it because we don’t have the money for it. Some people would say that immigrants/refugees are trying to get away from poverty. That they seek a better life in America. To this I say people living in poverty do not have enough money to make it here. According to the World Bank “ in poverty as anything less than $1.90 a day”. How is someone supposed to get to America if they are living on less than $1.90 a day? Also the United States brings in approximately one million immigrants each year, and people say that it’s making a difference but it really

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