Vaccinate Children Argumentative Essay

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Two sides to every argument exist. The argument is whether to vaccinate children or not. Most parents vaccinate their children because they want to protect their children against preventable diseases. Others do not vaccinate their children because they want to protect them from the diseases the vaccine causes. At times it may be difficult to determine whether or not to vaccinate children. Whatever the issues, it is important to set the record straight on whether to vaccinate children or not, as their lives are at stake. The idea of preventing diseases has been around for over 1000 years. To ensure that children are protected in the best way possible against diseases, children should be vaccinated.
In “Top Reasons to Get Vaccinated” by the …show more content…

The article states that immunizations can save children’s lives (1). Because of the advances made by medical researchers, children can be protected against more diseases than ever before. The article also states that the vaccines are very safe and effective. The article mentions that, although there are side effects such as mild pain or discomfort and sometimes allergic reactions, the disease prevention benefits of getting children vaccinated is greater. The article says that, “Immunization protects others you care about” (1). This means that in order to keep children safe from diseases, they need to be vaccinated and kept fully immunized. The article states that immunizations can save family time and money. The article also states that immunization protects future generations. “If we continue vaccinating now, and vaccinating completely, parents in the future may be able to trust that some diseases of today will no longer be around to harm their children” (1). In conclusion, the best is all that is wanted for children and to have the best for them, is to …show more content…

One source states that the benefits of being vaccinated outweigh the mild pain and discomfort (Five 1). The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases also agrees, saying that “The potential risks associated with the diseases that vaccines prevent, are much greater than the potential risks from the vaccines themselves” (1). On the other hand, the vaccination can lead to serious complications such as, permanent injury or death ( Some people have decided not to get vaccinated. They do this because they believe that, because we are surrounded by bacteria and germs in our everyday life, but are still alive, then what is the purpose of being vaccinated against bacteria that people seem to obsess over? Some people also decide not to get vaccinated because it can lead to many childhood disorders. Though the vaccines only contain a killed or weak version of the disease, which then triggers the antibodies to fight it, therefore making the immune system stronger and prevent re-infection, they still believe that childhood diseases such as Autism, ADD and epilepsy are linked to vaccinations. However, I do feel that being protected against diseases and bacteria, can not only benefit ourselves, but others who are around. In my opinion, The National Foundation for Infectious Disease is right, because the vaccines are designed to prevent diseases, therefore the vaccine is safe. But, I think that

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